SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@perfectsliders Your link says "…before encountering resistance"; you say "…before running." Why the big change?…
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@forumeditor @suigenerisjen Article 27 of the Rome Statute is clear: Head of State has no immunity from ICC action.…
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@LibyanLion17 @LIBYA_BREAKNEWS @moiatable Any confirmation of Ain Zara prison release in #Tripoli? Nothing on media?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
Raul Castro also supports Gaddafi—good company. #LatamforGaddafi
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@curioustip OK, but how can FF support people of Tiji so they don't have to rely on Gaddafi? This political side of war can save lives.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@curioustip @zeinakhodraljaz How can FF resolve the political issues you've presented? how provide replacement for Gaddafi's support?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@curioustip @zeinakhodraljaz OK, I was more worried by your "Tiji land actually belongs to Kabaw." Claims like that could raise tensions.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
AP: Rebels fighting along two frontlines aiming for Zawiya and another coastal town,…
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@curioustip @zeinakhodraljaz Forget this "their all originally tunisians"; they're all Libyans now. Don't get trapped by history.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush Good point; FF from Tripoli would be better accepted and would know where to go and who to work with.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@septimius_sever @walkerskynews @ivancnn Disagree; counting explosions is the only real newsgathering possible at the Rixos.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@14juillet1789 @rrowleytucson Gharyan Satellite Control System "is currently back-up by other equivalent means."…
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush Insertion of FF into selected neighborhoods should help a full scale revolt in Tripoli. What districts would be receptive?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
Ignore AU, Arrest Gaddafi "African leaders … are tyrannical playactors against Africa’s real … needs – the rule of law"
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush Missed your first section. I doubt the insiders scenario; they have too much invested in the regime.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush If Tripoli isn't a possible objective, how do you see this coming to an end?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush @plemochoe 2/2 How about moving supplies & some forces by sea from Benghazi & Misrata, other column via Tarhuna?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@rf_in_the_bush @plemochoe 1/2 Are you suggesting move on the ground bypassing Zliten? Might work but long supply line would be vulnerable.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
Frontal attacks at Brega, Zliten & Nafusa fronts seem bogged down. Is it possible to bypass them and attack Tripoli? …by sea perhaps?
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@saifthefuture Read this interview with Saif in the NYT; you couldn't make this up!
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
Saif Gaddafi proposes alliance with Islamists and Koran as sole constitution. Replaces Green Book w older
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@K_H_Jordan @Martin_Kramer Nice job picking apart Simon Jenkins's Guardian opinion…
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@amos4life @changeinlibya Ominous news about @NizFGM from G disinfo agent: “@GrayCardinal1: … @Niz_FGM Do not disturb him, hes on vacation”
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
“@sharon_lynch: …this article is the best i've seen [about situation in Benghazi] yet.”
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@ArmchairArab @rima_misurata @Cyrenaican @libyanproudReally enjoyed your thoughtful discussion on politics, tribalism, and the diaspora.
SteveMcCluskey Stephen McCluskey
@missy_ryan High level negotiations going on? But what's the topic? Oil exports? Safe haven?…