Monday, September 12, 2011

7 min 14 sec ago - desperate PR stunt by Gaddafi saying that he is still in Libya and he still has suporters who will fight for him.

SaloumehZ (@)

Posted Monday 12th September 2011 from Twitlonger
7 min 14 sec ago - #Libya Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra reported from Tripoli:

[The statement from Gaddafi] is considered a desperate PR stunt by Gaddafi saying that he is still in Libya and he still has suporters who will fight for him.. The feeling here among the NTC is that Gaddafi has lost the battle..

[Regarding China's recognition of the NTC]

NTC officials and the Libyans say that the Chinese were betraying the revolution, arming [Gaddafi] in the past. It will take more than the Chinese to make just an official statement.. This will be the nation that has to make a lot of efforts in the future to earn the trust of the Libyans.