Saturday, September 24, 2011

AJELive: The head of #Libya's National Transitional Council saysan interim government will be announced isoon

 Palestine News 
AJELiveThe head of 's National Transitional Council saysan interim government will be announced in the ... 

LIVE Libya: Niger Justice Minister Marou Amadou: ”We want to inform the world that Gaddafi is not in Niger,”

We are tracking the latest developments to keep you updated on the situation on the ground. There are interactive maps located in the Protest map page to keep up with the latest movements. Also check out the featured twitters on the sidebar. On the Go? Follow us on Twitter @Feb17Libya for Live updates and discussion. All updates are in Libyan local time (GMT +2)
9:53pm: In Libya, anti-Gaddafi fighters are readyring for an all-out assault on Bani Walid. A council of elders has failed to persuade residents to let the interim council troops enter the town, which has long been loyal to the ousted leader
9:39pm: @bencnn tweets: NTC official says Saif Al-Islam and Muatassim Qadhafi seen in Bani Walid.
9:34pm: Libyan fighters  took over a former Gaddafi military camp 30km northeast of Bani Walid. The facility appeared to have been bombed by NATO forces, according to an AP reporter at the scene. Vehicles had been abandoned and clothes were strewn across the floor of one of the camp’s shelters. In a separate location, truckloads of Libyan fighters assembled outside Bani Walid, preparing to advance on the city, one of a handful still loyal to Gaddafi. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the NTC, has warned that Bani Walid had until Friday to surrender or else the Libyan fighters would move in.
9:30pm:@HodaAH Tweets:employees r doing their best to get the #RasLanuf oil complex up & running asap. National army securing it.
9:20pm: A video of earlier peace negotiations between the rebels and tribal elders in Bani Walid:
9:08pm: Libya’s former foreign minister has claimed Tripoli granted massive oil concessions to BP on the understanding the Lockerbie bomber would be returned home. Abdulati al-Obeidi told the BBC that Britain had accepted Libyan indications that Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s release was an unwritten quid pro quo of the multi-billion pound contract. ”There was a hint that releasing him would help but it was not a condition… The Libyan side, and you know the British, they know how to take things.”
9:05pm: The BBC has new images of the Lockerbie bomber and have been speaking to his son Khaled al-Megrahi. He told reporters:
“I want everbody, especially in the UK and specifically in Scotland to see my dad, how he’s so sick because I see in the news, some people say he’s not sick, he’s not at home, and some people say he’s run away, but I want you to come and see my dad and he can’t move from his room and he’s still in his room, inbetween his mother and me and brother and sister.”
9:00pm: Rumours that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has fled to Burkina Faso continue, since loyalist troops arrived in the country.
8:50pm: Mahmoud Jibril, the interim Libyan prime minister, has arrived in Tripoli. Mr Jibril landed at Matiga Airbase in the east of the city and immediately began to meet local officials.
8:40pm: Italy says the United Nations is planning to recommend an integrated political and military observer mission to guide Libya’s post-Gadhafi transition, helping prepare for elections and train police. The aim of the U.N. political mission is to help the National Transitional Council prepare for the election of a national assembly that will draft a constitution to be put before a popular referendum. The U.N. would then help plan legislative and presidential elections. Frattini said Wednesday the U.N. is also expected to recommend an unarmed military observer mission to monitor and train local police.
8:35pm: Hundreds Libyans who fled the fighting returned from Benghazi to Tripoli on Wednesday. A total of 800 people arrived at Tripoli main port after spending more than 24 hours travelling by ship from Benghazi. Thousands are believed to have been displaced during the six months confrontations.
8:30pm: NATO has no information on the whereabouts of Muammar Gaddafi, NATO chief has said. “I have no information whatsoever about his whereabouts, and let me add to that, he is not a target of NATO operations,” Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Wednesday.
8:27pm: The United States says it is not satisfied with China’s explanation of a meeting in July between Chinese weapons makers and representatives of Muammar Gaddafi seeking to buy arms in violation of UN sanctions. US Ambassador Susan Rice told reporters Wednesday that the Obama administration “will look to China to continue to explain and clarify its understanding of what did and didn’t transpire.”
8:24pm: The State Department will formally create a new position later this week to oversee American aid efforts in Libya. Sources familiar with matter say William Taylor, a well-regarded former American ambassador to the Ukraine, will be filling the role. He previously managed reconstruction efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe.
8:20pm: Showing a softer side in a newly-uncovered home video, Libya’s ousted strongman remains at large
7:50pm: Niger Justice Minister Marou Amadou said on Wednesday. ”We want to inform the world that Gaddafi is not in Niger. He is a former head of state, he will not come incognito into Niger. If he has to come, our government will be informed, and if that happens we will inform you of our decision.” Amadou told a news conference.
7:43pm:  Gaddafi was last tracked heading for Libya’s southern border, the man leading the hunt told Reuters, though Burkina Faso again denied on Wednesday any plan to offer the deposed leader refuge.
7:40pm: NATO said it conducted 118 air sorties on Tuesday, 40 of them strike sorties to identify and hit targets.
It said key targets hit included:
– One surface-to-air missile container, one multiple rocket launcher, four armed vehicles, one ammunition store, six tanks, six armoured fighting vehicles and one self-propelled artillery piece in the Sirte area
– Three radars and three anti-aircraft guns in the vicinity of Hun.
– One surface-to-air missile facility near Sabha
– Eight anti-aircraft guns in the vicinity of Waddan
7:36pm: A major Western defence firm was upgrading military equipment for an elite Libyan security brigade just before an uprising against Gaddafi, documents show, showing how the West tried to foster ties with him during his final years in power.
7:33pm: Rebuilding Libya could be worth at least $200 billion over 10 years, but France’s role in ousting Gaddafi will not be enough to seal deals, the chief of France’s overseas business federation said on Wednesday.
7:30pm: South Africa’s refusal to recognise Libya’s new rebel rulers has again exposed the bureaucracy that often stymies decision-making in Pretoria and could have disastrous consequences for its standing and influence in Africa.
7:28pm: More than 1,700 sub-Saharan African migrants have now taken refuge at a southern Libyan desert town and Gaddafi stronghold amid urgent efforts to try to evacuate them to safety, an international aid agency said on Wednesday.
7:25pm: Libya’s new leaders sent envoys to Niger on Wednesday to try to prevent Muammar Gaddafi and his entourage evading justice by fleeing across desert towards friendly African states. ”The NTC has sent a delegation to Niger to discuss the possible arrival of Gaddafi,” Fathi Baja, the head of political affairs for the NTC, told Reuters in Benghazi, saying the ousted strongman may be close to the Niger or Algerian borders, waiting for an opportunity to slip across.
7:15pm: On Wednesday, Mohamed Bazoum, Nigerien foreign minister, told French Radio: “There’s no question that some people arrived. But it wasn’t at all of the order of magnitude that people have said. Two hundred vehicles, that’s inconceivable. Ten cars, maximum.”
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