Monday, September 12, 2011

#BaniWalid residents say town has no electricity, running water. Food supplies running low. At least 500 loyalist troops still there

Bani Walid residents say town has no electricity, running water. Food supplies running low. At least 500 loyalist troops still there 
2 hours ago via web
Bani Walid residents say town has no electricity, running water. Food supplies running low. At least 500 loyalist troops still there 
Bani Walid residents say town has no electricity, running water. Food supplies running low. At least 500 loyalist troops still there. 
Bani Walid residents fleeing town say Qadhafi spokesman Musa Ibrahim is in the centre of Bani Walid. 
In 2010 an Italian court ordered Saadi Qadhafi to pay a hotel bill of 392,000 euros he owed since 2007. Far cry from a tent. 
To clarify: it was verbal fighting, pushing and shoving among Bani Walid rebels. Some firing in air to restore order. No casualties.
Fight broke out among Bani Walid fighters over presence of media. Very little in the way of discipline and leadership here. 
Tribal tensions are seriously complicating the attempt to take Bani Walid. Some fighters have quit and gone home. 
Interesting 9/11 article from Independent's Patrick Cockburn: Al-Qa'ida, and the myth behind the war on terrorism. 
 Ø£Ø¨Ùˆ كار 
 by bencnn
Al Jazeera Mubasher confirming on screen that the Egyptian "authorities" are attacking its office
Photo: vehicle-mounted Sa-24 surface to air missile near Bani Walid.  
Opposition commander says yesterday during Bani Walid combat confusion was rife. Fighters were firing on their own men by mistake. 
Another scorching day on the outskirts of Bani Walid. Commanders say this could take some time.  Sitzkrieg
Photo: 20 km outside Bani Walid more journalists than fighters. Being held back for now. Several wounded have come back.
Photo: on road to Bani Walid a fighter picks up trash. 
Photo correction: yesterday I incorrectly described these as sa-24s. They are sa-7s. Thanks to Matt Schroeder 4 pointer
Photo: Outside Bani Walid, preparing for the push forward. 
Photo: cnn producer kareem khadder finds 2 rain-spattered sa-24 rockets at an NTC base in  
Masks and chemical suits come from former Czechoslovakia and Iran. 
Over last 4 months thousands of gas masks, chemical weapon suites moved from near Ajailat to Sirt and Al-Jifra. Strange. 
Tripoli cloudy, cool with occasional light drizzle. Rains have come early this year.