Saturday, September 24, 2011

Center of#Sirte a battleground, hundreds of anti #Gaddfafi fighters taking part in offensive

Zeina Khodr
, Center of#Sirte a battleground, hundreds of anti  fighters taking part in offensive

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 Red Arrow 
RT , Center of#Sirte a battleground, hundreds of anti  fighters taking part in offensive  
 Kenny Stewart 
Anti-Gaddafi forces clashing with loyalist fighters in former leader's hometown of Sirte 
 Sarah LFFR 
Ameen ! “: ربي ينصر ثوارنا في جميع الجبهات   
 Marguerite Dehler 
 Zeina Khodr 
, Center of#Sirte a battleground, hundreds of anti fighters taking part in offensive
 Mohamed Fadel Fahmy 
" Some revolutionary units entered Sirte, fighting intense around palace where Gadafi's son Mutassem Gadafi is expected to be"#Libya
 Ismael Zmirli 
ربي ينصر ثوارنا في جميع الجبهات   
 Zeina Khodr 
,Fierce gun battles in the center of ,# Gaddafi loyalists firing rockets ....  fighters using heavy weapons
Recommend hip waders/rubber gloves all round, when goes the daffy dribblers will be besides themselves with rage   
 Nasr Anaizi 
A major coordinated assault on  is under way. FFs R coming in from W, S, & E directions.  planes R flying overhead.  
 Eli T.Dikko 
RT : VIDEO:People of  love their leader.   
 Кирилл Светицкий 
BCPL: al_Jamahiriya Aïsha DO NOT believe tweets from , contacts in ...: al_...  |  RT,pls
Libyan fighters ready for final  assault - Africa - Al Jazeera English  via     
 Zubair Ben Rais 
RT  Our reporters are now inside Sirte with NTC fighters, about 1km from the centre of town 
 News in Libya 
Libyan forces enter Sirte, NATO planes in skies: SIRTE, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Libyan provisional government... 
 Barry Malone 
Our reporters there say NTC has entered Sirte from the west but pushes are coming from south and east, too