Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saif G

 Never B4 seen   Gaddafi inside his home    

Exclusive: Inside Saif Gaddafi's Libya Home

    9:27am UK, Tuesday September 13, 2011
Lisa Holland, foreign affairs correspondent, in Tripoli

Sky News has exclusively uncovered evidence showing Saif al Islam Gaddafi's influence over the Libyan army.

Wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, he denies being part of a brutal crackdown that started in February.
He has always maintained he withdrew from politics in Libya in August 2008.
But in a control room at his farm, on the outskirts of Tripoli, we found evidence of a side of Saif Gaddafi he has tried to hide.
Among his personal papers was a document exposing his links to the military.
Saif Gaddafi's abandoned house in Libya
The Moroccan-style villa at Saif Gaddafi's abandoned farm near Tripoli
It details a meeting with a senior general agreeing to buy 40,000 machine guns and 5,000 sniper rifles.
Saif also asked for sleeping gas and a guided bomb to be purchased.
He has always denied he had links to the army.
Sky News also found a lock-up in which Saif Gaddafi had stashed his personal possessions before going on the run.
Saif Gaddafi's graduation photo from LSE
Saif Gaddafi's graduation photo from the LSE among personal items in a lock-up
They provide an intriguing insight into the many facets of his personality.
There were several posters promoting his own artwork at an exhibition in Berlin in 2003.
Also in the lock-up was his framed graduation photo from the London School of Economics where he wrote a thesis on democratisation.
There was a small book with page after page of phone numbers for his friends and contacts.
Empty animal cages at the abandoned home of Saif Gaddafi in Libya
Animal cages for his pet tiger and lion stand empty at the abandoned property
A letter detailed his instructions for a pet tiger to be sent to a taxidermist in Italy to be stuffed.
His current pet lion and tiger are missing from their cages.
Around his reserve, there are watch towers and guard towers to observe his animals and keep unwanted visitors out.
These days both are redundant.
Lisa Holland holds up a letter discovered in a lock-up at Saif Gaddafi's abandoned home in Libya
Holland holds a letter from Saif instructing a taxidermist in Italy to stuff a pet tiger
His vineyard withers in the heat of the day and it is anti-Gaddafi forces who are now eating Saif's grapes.
There are partly destroyed photos of Saif with his father, possibly torn up by the fighters.
In the end, blood was thicker than water for Saif Gaddafi.
He supported his father's brutal crackdown telling supporters at the start of the uprising to "fight until the last bullet".
Saif Gaddafi family photo found in a lock-up at his abandoned home in Libya
Sky News discovered family photos among the personal items at the house
Ironically, alongside the family photos we also found the itinerary of a visit by Tony Blair to Libya in 2003.
Saif al Islam was a major factor in bringing Libya in from the cold after the Lockerbie bomb.
In the later stages of the uprising, when the regime's power and influence was crumbling away, Saif said he had been naive to cosy up to the West.
Britain joined Nato in its military intervention in Libya.
Saif Gaddafi's abandoned house and pool in Libya
Anti-Gaddafi fighter stand by the pool - once the scene of Saif's glamorous parties
He probably never believed it would come to this and that, after doing deals with the UK, Britain would not help bring his father down.
As he stashed his most personal of possessions in the lock-up at his farm, he surely expected in the not-too distant future he would be retrieving them.
But Saif Gaddafi must have wondered how and when he would get them back.
He almost certainly will not now. Just like there will not be a repeat of his glamorous parties.
He spent his 37th birthday on twin yachts off the coast of Montenegro but his jetset lifestyle is over.