Friday, September 16, 2011

@ feb17libya Gaddafi has called on the U.N. Security Council to protect his hometown of Sirte being attacked


LIVE Libya Unrest: Gaddafi has called on the U.N. Security Council to protect his hometown of Sirte  

LIVE Libya Unrest: Gaddafi has called on the U.N. Security Council to protect his hometown of Sirte

“This is certainly an issue we are concerned with, the Libyan officials are concerned with, because it poses potential risks not only to Libyans, but to the region as a whole,” said Feltman,
11:05pm: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jeffery Feltman told reporters in Tripoli that Washington already has people working with Libya’s new rulers about the possible proliferation of shoulder-fired missiles, as well as dangerous chemicals like mustard gas.
10:55pm: Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim says that the deposed leader is ‘gathering his forces’ and intends to retake the country.
10:50pm: Moussa Ibrahim, Gaddafi spokesman, says that Gaddafi is still in Libya organizing forces to fight a long battle with fighters. “The leader is in good health, in high morale … of course he is in Libya,” Moussa Ibrahim told Reuters via a satellite telephone line on Wednesday. “The fight is as far away from the end as the world can imagine. We are still very powerful, our army is still powerful, we have thousands upon thousands of volunteers,” Ibrahim said. The spokesman added that huge areas of the country, including the south, are still under control of pro-Gaddafi forces.
10:35pm: Living conditions inside Sirte are deteriorating as food and water run low. The Misrata Military Council described conditions in Sirte in a statement today.“There is not much food inside, no water,” Khalifa, 20, a member of the opposition forces’ Misrata-based Sirte Brigade who declined to give his full name for fear of reprisals, said in an interview today after his escape from the city. “This week the electricity was cut off.”
10:25pm: Libya will begin exporting crude oil from the eastern port of Tobruk within ten days and could be producing 1 million barrels per day within six months, the chairman of its National Oil Corporation said Wenesday. Benghazi-based oil firm Agoco confirmed on Monday that it had started pumping oil from its eastern Sarir field slightly ahead of a planned start date of 15 September.
“We should have enough oil for a 1-million-barrel shipment from Tobruk in eight to 10 days,” Nouri Berouin said in an interview in Benghazi
9:43pm: Mustafa Abdul Jalil says he believes Col Gaddafi is planning attacks has appealed for weapons as NTC forces fight to capture parts of the country still loyal to Gaddafi. Gaddafi loyalists still control four areas, including Sirte on the Mediterranean coast, and Bani Walid, south-east of the capital Tripoli, as well as Jufra and Sabha. Mr Abdul Jalil said many pro-Gaddafi forces had fled to Sabha in the southern desert. “There will be fierce battles in Sabha with equipment that we do not yet have, and we ask for more equipment to retake these places,” said Mr Abdul Jalil.