Fighters in #BaniWalid have medium weapons _ AKs, sniper rifles, anti aircraft. G figthers have grad rockets, mortars #libya rt@hadeelalsh
Worldloverpeace Aisha
Some may ask why #BaniWalid figthers r taking forever 2 enter the city esp when they say the outnum the G forces #libya v@hadeelalsh
hadeelalsh Hadeel Al-Shalchi
NTC military commander Daw Saleheen told @AP that "it will take less than a week to liberate #BaniWalid." #libya
hadeelalsh Hadeel Al-Shalchi
Fighters say they still need to wait for famlieis in #BaniWalid to evacauate. #libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
BintTarablis Nusaybah (KC)
Freedom Fighters said they will give civilians two more days to leave #BaniWalid before mounting a full-scale assault - #Reuters #Libya
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
BaniWalid Latest: The situation so far. By phone from FF at front line. #feb17 #Libya #BaniWalid #Tripoli #Gaddafipic.twitter.com/qFBQ8HQ
FromJoanne Joanne
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
FromJoanne Joanne