Monday, September 12, 2011

Formerly pro-Gadaffi mobile operator sends out message, We congratulate the Libyan people on the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi,

Alix Dunn
RT : Formerly pro-Gadaffi mobile operator sends out message from the transitional council via@shabablibya

Mentioned in this Tweet


A direct message from the NTC to the Libyan people.

"Allah is Greater,

We congratulate the Libyan people on the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi, and we urge them to go out in the streets to preserve and protect the public belongings.

Long Live Free Libya,

The National Transitional Council. "
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  • 75 people like this.
    • Tg Gt long live libya
      August 22 at 2:32am ·  ·  2 people
    • Saleh Al-Mana Its Done.
      August 22 at 2:35am ·  ·  2 people
    • Grażyna Cegła long live libya :)
      August 22 at 2:36am · 
    • Anjum Muneer Alhumdulilah
      August 22 at 2:36am · 
    • Cem Ozan I hope and wish that New Lıbyan admınıstratıon will gıve utmost ımportance to protect and respect humanrıghts and gıve every oppurtunıty to their people to express their toughts without any fear...I welcome new admınıstartıon to represent whole Lıbya under democratıc prıncıples
      August 22 at 2:38am ·  ·  4 people
    • Operacion Libertad Venezuela 
      Throughout history peoples have risen against oppression, thrown off the joke, and created a new and better state ON THEIR OWN. After fighting so hard for Freedom, you will not give it up easily, right? So make sure that you remain in contr...See More
      August 22 at 2:40am ·  ·  2 people
    • Oscar Nsamba On behalf of Ugandan youth ,we conglaturate you Libyanians upon that victory
      August 22 at 2:42am ·  ·  2 people
    • Zanga Zanga Dar Dar Amazing!
      August 22 at 2:50am ·  ·  1 person
    • Mona Abouelemenodheir All i could think was: oh! My phone?
      August 22 at 2:51am · 
    • Khalid Ibrahim Yalla Libya!!
      August 22 at 4:12am ·  ·  1 person
    • Rudi Hendriawan it's so cool
      August 22 at 4:57am · 
    • Emily Parry 
      God isn't greater - the Libyan people are. But if you want to thank Allah for anything, thank him for giving you minds that are able to see inequality and work out it isn't right, for giving you hands that you might shape your own fate, and...See More
      August 22 at 5:07am ·  ·  3 people
    • Nina Antonina congratulations to you and that you suceeded,,,
      August 22 at 6:00am ·  ·  1 person
    • Christine Coley Sincerest wishes from Scotland and I share your joy at the prospect of a free, open and happy future ahead of you all. As friends we will not interfere, but we will support you if you need us which is what true friends are for. Take care :)
      August 22 at 7:30am ·  ·  2 people
    • Adel Rateme They even topped up every Libyana mobile with 50 Libyan Dinars (=£25) .... at long last we are seeing some of the our oil money!
      August 22 at 7:32am · 
    • Danya Hajjaji omg i had Libyana back in Libya. urghhh i want this message !
      August 22 at 1:18pm · 
    • Teresa Carey Allah created us to worship Him and He is The Greatest! All praise and thanks to Allah Alone, The Lord of The Worlds. May He keep us united on His Straight Path and may He forgive us our shortcomings. Allahu akbar wa lillaah ilhamd! X
      August 23 at 11:02am ·