Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil repudiates the personality cult of Moammar Gadhafi.and supports a democratic system

News in Libya
Head of Libyan Rebel Government to Cheering Crowds “Islamic sharia law would be “main source”...  
“Moderate Islam, zero “oppression”, now that will be some trick… In fact it is unprecedented.
(The Globe and Mail) –The chairman of Libya’s transitional government gave his first public address in Tripoli on Monday, exhorting thousands of cheering Libyans in the central square to support a democratic system that honours Islam, respects the rule of law and repudiates the personality cult of Moammar Gadhafi.
Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the transitional government leader, addressed a rowdy crowd of thousands in Martyrs Square in central Tripoli, a site that until recently was famous for pro-Gadhafi rallies. Flanked by a few dozen revolutionary leaders in their largest public gathering since rebel forces stormed into the capital on Aug. 21, he called on Libyans to build a state based on the rule of law.
“No retribution, no taking matters into your own hands and no oppression. I hope that the revolution will not stumble because of any of these things,” he said.
“We will not accept any extremist ideology, on the right or the left,” Mr. Abdul-Jalil added. “We are a Muslim people, for a moderate Islam, and will stay on this road.”
“We strive for a state of the law, for a state of prosperity, for a state that will have Islamic sharia law the basis of legislation.”
Swapping one “brutal repressive” government for another.
Confronted by this brutal repression and a looming humanitarian crisis, I ordered warships into the Mediterranean
Last month, Gaddafi’s grip of fear appeared to give way to the promise of freedom. In cities and towns across the country, Libyans took to the streets to claim their basic human rights. As one Libyan said, “For the first time we finally have hope that our nightmare of 40 years will soon be over.”
Islam and “freedom” –oil and water. “Human rights” –fugetaboutit.
But let us also remember that for generations, we have done the hard work of protecting our own people, as well as millions around the globe. We have done so because we know that our own future is safer and brighter if more of mankind can live with the bright light of freedom and dignity.
Islam would not recognize “the bight of freedom and dignity”, if it walked up and smacked it across it’s totalitarian face. Islam from it’s conception has set upon the goal of  extinguishing anything resembling a “bright light of freedom and dignity”.
It is what it does. It is what it is.