Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Libyan government 'in 7-10 Jibril said, "I'm not bothered by (the) time ... to bring about national consensus,"

The Cat
New  government 'in 7-10 days' via      Speed up pls!

A new Libyan government will be announced within seven to 10 days, the transitional leadership's number two said in New York on Tuesday.

"Government to be announced within a week, 10 days maximum," Mahmoud Jibril, the interim prime minister, told reporters, adding the ministers could be divided between the east and west of the country.

"I'm not bothered by (the) time ... to bring about national consensus," he said.

He was speaking at a press conference hosted by G8 foreign ministers after the new Libyan leaders were welcomed to the United Nations, enshrining their new-found status after ousting long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi.

On Sunday Jibril had had to delay the unveiling of a new Libyan government, saying it was held up by last-minute haggling.

Jibril, a former Gaddafi regime official, said then that many of the portfolios for the new cabinet had been agreed, but there were still discussions going on over others.