Monday, September 12, 2011

Royal Jordanian Airlines - will resume flights to Tripoli and Benghazi, in Libya, soon.

Libya Meta Guide
: Royal Jordan'ian to resume flights to Libya soon  : 

Amman - President/ CEO, Hussein Dabbas said that Royal Jordanian will resume flights to Tripoli and Benghazi, in Libya, soon.The company suspended its operations to these two cities after turmoil erupted in Libya last February.Dabbas said that the company will restart operating between Amman, and Tripoli and Benghazi once all the necessary approvals are obtained from the concerned authorities—expected soon—and the readiness of the Libyan airports to receive flights is ensured. RJ is expected to resume its flights to Benghazi by the end of this week and to Tripoli immediately after. Dabbas also said that initially the flights to Benghazi and Tripoli will be frequent, probably daily, to be able to accommodate the strong demand on travel between the two countries, especially on the part of businessmen, students and Jordanian workforce in Libya, as well as Libyan citizens who come to Jordan seeking medical treatment. Royal Jordanian used to operate five weekly flights to Tripoli and two weekly flights to Benghazi before the unrest erupted in Libya.