Thursday, September 22, 2011

#Sabha FF say they control another town in #Libya, NTC received the significant milestone of being recognized by South Africa

Veronika Guerin
: Anti-Gadhafi fighters say they control another town in ” 
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Revolutionaries have taken control of the southwestern town of Ubari, chasing Moammar Gadhafi loyalists from the area as Libya's new leaders continued to gain momentum, National Transitional Council field commander Al-Amin Shtawi said Thursday
The announcement comes days after the NTC received the significant milestone of being recognized by South Africa and the African Union as Libya's legitimate rulers.
Troops loyal to Libya's new leaders have been putting pressure on several regime holdout cities in recent days. Along with Thursday's military action in Ubari, fighters have also clashed with Gadhafi loyalists in the northern town of Bani Walid and in Sirte.
Sabha shows little resistance
Al Qaeda exploiting Libya's war?
NTC forces enter Sabha, Libya
Fighters also have entered Sabha, a southern town long regarded as a pro-Gadhafi stronghold, and initially met no resistance, officials said.
Despite not yet having complete control over the entire country, the NTC says it is planning on how to set up a new government.
Elamin Belhaj, a senior member of the NTC, told CNN Wednesday that the formation of a Libyan government will not be announced until anti-Gadhafi forces control the borders of the country and liberate the three cities of Bani Walid, Sirte and Sabha .
That effort could take up to one month, he said.
After liberation, the NTC will create an interim government by appointing a prime minister who will be responsible for forming the government. The prime minister will decide how many ministers will be in that interim government, but he must return to the NTC for approval of that government.