Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sirte Videos

Libya forces shell Kadhafi positions in Sirte

“AFP: Libya forces shell Kadhafi positions in Sirte (youtube)http://t.co/BZGM7tig #Libya #Sirte ”

AFP: Libya fighters battle pro-Gaddafi snipers in Sirte

“AFP: Libya fighters battle pro-Gaddafi snipers in Sirte (youtube)http://t.co/GrGOZ1jv #Libya ”

الثوار فى المنطقة 2بسرت عند الخط الامامى

SIRTE: No.2 area flooded, hampering movement of fighters & making them easy targets 4 snipers. Cause unknown #Libya http://t.co/P1HjnnLl ”

انقاذ مدني أصابته كتائب القذافي في مصراتة.flv

“Martyred in Sirte Oct17, AbdelBassit Garghum, 1 of rescuers in famous video when snipers were still in Misrata #Libya http://t.co/Ai5McHO3! ”