Monday, October 24, 2011

#Gaddafi Crimes since 1969, A compilation of all the documented crimes committed by the Gadhafi regime since 1969

Arab Fury
A compilation of all the documented crimes committed by the Gadhafi regime since 1969.  

Gaddafi Crimes since 1969
A working and partial list


1969: Gaddafi seizes power, declares political parties illegal, begins to murder dissidents & decimates civil society. Thus begins a 42-year reign that will break countless hearts inside and outside Libya. December 1969: Arrests many of the minister‟s and King‟s previous advisors.

1970s: Decade Overview

Sources, among others, include: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, The National Front for the Salvation of Libya, Reuters, and family requests

Important Note: This list is by no means exhaustive. It represents merely the most notorious crimes of Gaddafi’s regime, and those that have the clearest documentation— quite difficult in such a repressive and closed system. Please add your own (verifiable) to the list, and preserve chronology and details whenever possible: all names deserve
to be recorded.

To hold on power, the decade is marked by public hangings, harassment of those suspected in political party affiliation, and televised executions which school children are forced to watch. The Revolutionary committees were created in this decade, and Mussa Kussa (the Black Box and mastermind of the regime) urges Gaddafi to carry out public executions and to target all walks of life “teachers, students, artists, doctors [etc]” to gain control and instill fear.


1972: Gaddafi regime sends young men to their deaths in support of the brutal Idi Amin regime
in Uganda.

1972: Gaddafi praises Lod Airport massacre of Japanese Red Army; calls for more like it.

1972: Gaddafi creates the Islamic Legion, which will go on to commit genocide in Chad and


1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Muhammad al-Sadiq al-Tarhouni; suspected of belonging to
political party. Believed to be at Abu Salim, he is feared dead.

1973. Gaddafi declares that "execution is the fate of anyone who forms a political party".

1973: Gaddafi regime makes history with the arrest of Abdullah Ali al-Sanusi al-Darrat, the
world‟s longest detention of a journalist. There is no information on his whereabouts, and he
has yet to be charged.

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Hasan A. al-Kurdi, suspected of belonging to a political party. He
is executed without trial in 1984.

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Abdallah A. al-Mesallati, on suspicion of belonging to political
party. He is executed in 1984. ,

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Salih Omar al-Qasbi on suspicion of belonging to political party.
There has been no word on his whereabouts since.

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Ali Muhammad al-Qajiji; he is suspected of belonging to political
party. There has been no word since.

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Ali Muhammad al-Akrami; he is suspected of belonging to political
party. There has been no further information released.

1973: Gaddafi regime arrests Al-Ajili Muhammad al-Azhari for suspected affiliations to a political
party. There has been no word since.


1975: Gaddafi publishes the infamous Green Book, his bizarre philosophical brand of socialism
and Islam. As the years pass, it will be forced on all Libyan citizens as required curriculum.


1976: Gaddafi regime murders Amer Deghayes in police custody. Although his family is told he
committed suicide by hanging, the regime denies them permission to view the autopsy report.

1976: Gaddafi orders the execution of 22 military men after an attempted coup lead by Omar
Almheishi, and expands this to include the interrogation and detention of thousands of civilians
and human rights activists.
Omar Almeheishi was tricked several years later by the Morrocan government when he boarded
a plane he assumed was for Mecca, and found himself in Libya confronted by the Revolutionary
Committee headed by Khalifa Hneish. He died due to torture in prison.


1977—on: Gaddafi regime supports, with weapons and finances, the crimes of Ethiopia‟s Haile
Mariam Mengistu, who will eventually be brought up on genocide and war crimes charges.

1977: Gaddafi himself personally oversees the public hanging of student Omar A. Dabboub, for 
his participation in a peaceful Benghazi student demonstration.

1977: Gaddafi himself personally oversees the public hanging of teacher Mohammed bin Saud,

for his participation in a peaceful Benghazi student demonstration

1977: Gaddafi bastardizes the Arabic language, and invents nonsensical neologism
"Jamahiriya,” to refer (fallaciously) to “state of the masses.”


1978: Gaddafi regime disappears Lebanese Shi‟ite cleric Imam Musa Sadr, along with 2 others,
on a visit to Tripoli. They are never heard from again, and the regime continues to deny
knowledge of their whereabouts.

1978-1987: Gaddafi conscripts thousands of untrained young men and sends them to their
deaths in Chad. Those who do return face forced drugging as a manner of debriefing.

1980s: Decade Overview

1980s: The Gaddafi regime continues enforced disappearances, public murders and inaugurates the era of the “Stray Dogs” policy of extrajudicial assassinations abroad, disappearances and mass arrests. 

1980s: Gaddafi henchwoman Huda Bin Amer coins the chant, “no more talk, just executions in public squares,” underscoring the impunity with which the regime is able to quell dissent and rule by terror.

1980s: Gaddafi regime burns all deeds for lands and houses, claiming that ownership belongs to whomever inhabits a residence. This policy results in thousands losing familial property.

late 1980s-on: Gaddafi aids, with weapons and finances, Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević of Serbia in his genocidal attacks on Muslims in Bosnia and the Albanian population of Kosovo.


1980: Gaddafi agent attempts to assassinate Colorado State University graduate student Faisal Zagallai; the attempt fails, but he is left blind.

1980: Gaddafi regime murders journalist Mohammed M. Ramadan in the UK. As further insult, the Libyan government denies his corpse burial rights in his country, and sends his body back to England.

1980: Gaddafi regime assassinates businessman Abdul Jalil al-'Arif in Rome, Italy. 1980: Gaddafi regime arrests engineer Mahmoud Banou. He is tortured to death in custody.

1980: Gaddafi regime carries out extra-judicial assassination of attorney Mahmoud A. Nafi' on foreign soil in his London office.

1980: Gaddafi regime agents shoot Muhammad Ramadan outside Regent‟s Park Mosque in UK, marking another extra-judicial assassination carried out on foreign soil.

1980: Gaddafi agents attempt to poison Farj Shaban Ghesouda and his British wife in the UK, but the couple‟s children nearly die instead. This marks another extra-judicial assassination attempt on foreign soil.


1981: Gaddafi offers thousands of Pakistanis jobs & forces them into Islamic Legion as
mercenaries when they arrive.


1982—on: Gaddafi regime detains lawyer Rashid Abdul Hamid al-Urfia in Abu Salim prison, Tripoli, without charges or news.

1982: Gaddafi regime arrest student Ahmed I. Makhluf of Benghazi. He is tortured to death in custody.

1982: Gaddafi regime arrests student Naji bu Hawiya Khlyif in Benghazi. He is tortured to death in custody.

1982- present: Abdullah Muhammad Massaud, disappeared in 1982 going from Baniwalid to the school of law in Benghazi for examinations. He was accused of leading the Islamic Liberation Party. Amnesty International feared that he has been murdered in its Libya report in


1983: Gaddafi regime hangs student Mohammed Hfaf in front of peers and teachers in the College of Engineering, Tripoli. He is suspected of belonging to a political party.

1983: Gaddafi regime arrests student Abdul Aziz al-Gharably on suspicion that he belongs to a political party. He is tortured to death in custody by 1984.


1984: Gaddafi regime televises the execution by hanging of student Sadiq Shwehdi during the month of Ramadan. His family is forced to watch.

1984: Gaddafi regime executes the Student Union president Mustafa R. an-Nuwairy executed in  front of peers and teachers at Benghazi University.

1984: Gaddafi regime executes student in front of peers and teachers at the College of Agriculture in Tripoli.

1984: Gaddafi regime executes student Rasheed M. Ka'bar at College of Pharmacy, in Tripoli. This occurs in front of fellow students and teachers.

1984: Gaddafi forces fire at a crowd of peaceful demonstrates outside the Libyan Embassy in the United Kingdom. British policewoman Yvonne Fletcher dies. This marks yet another Gaddafi murder on foreign soil.

1984: Gaddafi regime renews its policy of “Stray Dog” assassinations of dissidents abroad.Gaddafi asserts that assassinations should be done outside of Libya, and are necessary and obligatory even during hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

1984: Gaddafi regime killed 8 people in a combat outside the Bab-Alaziyiah compound. The members were part of the NFSL opposition, however both sides have not given clear explanations to the events of May 1984. Among the deceased is Magdy Shweihdi - cousin of
Sadeq Shwehdi.

1985: Gaddafi regime praises airport bombings in Rome and Vienna as “heroic.” Several are killed and Gaddafi vows to support further attacks of the same kind.

1985: Gaddafi regime assassinates the political dissident Jibril A. ad-Dinali on foreign soil in Germany. Ad-Dinali was a former police officer, and leader of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, a prominent opposition group.

1985: Gaddafi regime assassinates the Libyan dissident and businessman Ahmed Rafeeq al-Barrani, on foreign soil, in his Cyprus office.

1985: People‟s Congress approved “purification laws,” legalizing amputation, flogging and other torture as punishment.


1985-on: Lt Col. Daw al-Salihin, tortured by amputation of his leg, faces execution. He has been held without charges since 1993.


1986: Gaddafi regime kidnaps Najm al-Din Muhammad al-Naquz on a visit home to Libya from the UK, where he was a resident. He is disappeared.

1986: Gaddafi regime masterminds the terrorist bombing of a discotheque on foreign soil, in Berlin Germany.

1986: Gaddafi regime kidnaps and subsequently disappears Yusuf Hassan al-Huwayl on a visit home to Libya from the UK, where he was a resident.

1986: Gaddafi regime abducts and subsequently disappears Ahmad Abd al-Qadir al-Thulthi on a visit home to Libya from the UK, where he was a resident.

1986: Gaddafi regime claims Gulf of Sidra as under the jurisdiction of the “Brother' Leader.”


1987: Gaddafi regime abducts and hangs six young Libyan men in public, at the Benghazi Sports Arena.


1988: Gaddafi regime masterminds and executes the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.

1988: The hundreds of POW‟s in Chad from the Libya-Chad war were left to die (few made it back on their own). No negotiations were made to release them.


1989: Gaddafi regime disappears Amraja‟ Faraj Al-Kabail in Ajdabiyya. His family has heard nothing.

1989: Gaddafi regime masterminds and executes the terrorist bombing of UTA Flight 772 which crashes in Niger.

1989: Gaddafi regime institutes policy of "mass arbitrary arrest, detention, torture and the death penalty" after promises of reform.

1989: Gaddafi regime disappears Imam Yusuf Muhammad Hussein. His whereabouts and fate are still unknown.

1989: Gaddafi regime abducts Nouri Boushasha. His family has heard nothing since.

1989: Gaddafi regime arrests Jamal al-'Arbi; he will die in custody by 1992.

1989: Gaddafi regime detains Nouri Shalfit. He is held without trial or charges until his death from torture in 1994.

1989: Gaddafi regime detains Mohammad al-Fourtiya. He receives no trial and is not charged. He will die of torture in custody by 1995.

1989: Gaddafi regime detains Mohammad 'Ali al-Bakoush, He receives no trial and is not charged. He will die of torture in custody by 1999.

1989: Gaddafi regime detains Jummah Ahmed Attiga for 7 years in Abuslim prison upon returning to Libya from exile (and being granted a pardon by the Libyan Bureau in Rome) for involvement with NFSL. He received no trial and his family did not know of his whereabouts for the first 3 years.

1990s: Decade Overview

1990s: Gaddafi regime political repression continues. Collective punishment, harassment of dissidents‟ families still resident in Libya are coupled with hollow promises of reform and further mass executions: more 1200 political prisoners will be massacred in a single day at Abu Salim Prison in Tripoli.


1990: Gaddafi regime abducts dissident Jaballa Matar, father of prominent author Hisham Mater, from Cairo, Egypt His family received word that he might be in Abu Salim prison in 2002. Nothing has since reached them.

1990: Gaddafi regime kidnaps dissident Izzat Almegaryaf from the streets of Cairo, Egypt. His sons grow up in the United States with no word on where their father might be.

1990: Gaddafi regime murders Abdelsalam Assed, the son of Mohammed Othman Assed
(former Prime Minister in Libya).


1991-on: Gaddafi regime provides training and financial support for Liberia‟s murderous Charles Taylor in the war crimes he will perpetrate in Sierra Leone.

1991-92. Gaddafi regime fails to provide asepsis material to hospitals. Hundreds of children will be infected with HIV, a tragedy that the regime worsens by buying off victims‟ families and later exploits to obtain foreign aid.


1992—on: Gaddafi regime detains Mohamed Bashir al-Megreisi in incommunicado detention. Location is never disclosed, nor are charges, There is no further information on his well-being.


1993: Gaddafi regime begins a periodic purging of military institutions in an effort to consolidate Gaddafi‟s power. Potential rivals are eliminated (in a variety of ways) and replaced with loyalists.

1993: Regime uses collective punishment against families of October 1993 NFSL-backed coup. Houses demolished, families exiled from their home towns, fired from work, school children are expelled. Families forced to condemn loved ones on state television.

1993-present: Dr Musa al-Keilani, a diplomat and former member of staff at the University of Gar Yunis, arrested and tortured. He is still held with no charges.

1993: Gaddafi‟s regime kidnaps Mansour Kikhia off the streets of Cairo, Egypt.


1994: Gaddafi regime abducts Silvan Becker (German anti-terrorism expert) and his wife from streets of Cairo, Egypt. He will die in Tripoli.


1995: Gaddafi regime confiscate passport of Abdessalam Jalloud and place him under house arrest, as members of his tribe backed a coup attempt.

1995: The Warfalla tribe rises in protest of Gaddafi‟s regime and the government executes several and imprisons many more, as well as clamping down on the town of Baniwalid by not allowing phone calls and running water at whim for the next decade. Eradicating the city
administratively and moving it under the municipalities of Gheryan and then Misrata as punishment.

1995: Ali Abuzeid whose body was found in his west London shop on 26 November 1995. He had been stabbed to death. He was a member of a Libyan opposition group (NFSL) in the 1980s.


1996: Gaddafi regime murders Khaled al-Farjani, with two of his brothers. The family learns of his fate in 2009.

1996: Gaddafi regime murders Saleh al-Farjani, with two of his brothers. His family will only hear of his fate in 2009.

1996: Gaddafi regime murders Sanoussi Hamil Mouftah al-Farjani, with two of his brothers. The family will only learn of his death in 2009.

1996: Gaddafi regime massacres 1172 political prisoners at Abu Salim prison in Tripoli. Government denies it took place for years. Many families still await word of their relatives. People implicated for this are Abdallah Snussi, Mohamed Almisrati, Mussa Kussa, Ammar Ltayef and Khalifa Hneish amongst others.

1996: Gasmalla Osman Hamad Sharah dies detained in camp near Sudan from medical neglect and torture at the hands of Gaddafi regime.

1996: Forces order to fire on soccer fans in Tripoli because of a rivalry between the two teams, one of which was Saadi Gaddafi‟s teams. 20-50 killed; many more injured.


1997: Gaddafi, eager to maintain stronghold on power, executes the following for involvement in the 1993 attempted coup. They were tried twice in 4 years. The trial was broadcast on state television and were paraded as “American spies” and use of “CIA equipment” one of which was a basic laptop belonging to Col Garroum (head of the coup). Details of names are below:

1997: Gaddafi regime hangs Suleiman Geith on Libyan State television. (The civillians were hung while the military men died by firing squad).

1997: Gaddafi regime hangs Saad Musbah Al-Zubaidi on Libyan State television.

1997: Regime executes Colonel Muftah Garroum Al-Warfally by firing squad.

1997: Regime executes Colonel Mustafa Abulgasem Al-Kikly, by firing squad.

1997: Regime executes Colonel Saad Saleh, by firing squad.

1997: Regime executes Major Khalil Al-Jedik, by firing squad.

1997: Regime executes Major Ramadhan Al-Aihuri, by firing squad.

1997: Regime executes Major Ihbail (nephew of Khalifa Haftar) by firing squad.


1998-present: Gaddafi regime holds refugee Al-Sayyid Mohammad Shabou without trial or charges. No details are known on his fate.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Mohammad Faraj Al-Qallal,Graduate of Administrative Sciences on suspicions of political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Ali-El-Sadeg El-Houni, M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, on suspicions of political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Abdel-Jawad Mohamed Shatwan, M.Sc. Computer Science, suspected of having political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime arrests Jamal El-Majrie, veterinarian, for supposed political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains medical doctor Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Majeed El-Daiban for supposed political affiliation. 1998: Gaddafi regime detains medical doctor Khalid El-Hashmie, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains student Yusef Abu-Sha'Ala, Faculty of Engineering for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains student Hammad Beltaieb, Faculty of Medicine, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains student Khalid El-Jazwie Faculty of Medicine, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime arrests student Nazar Kraikesh, Faculty of Medicine, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains student Anies Hasan Gwaidhi, Faculty of Medicine for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Salem Abuhanak, Ph.D. Head of Chemistry Dept., for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Abdullah Ahmed I'zedien, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Sulaiman Ali Khatroush, Ph.D., Head of Civil Engineering Department, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Rajad El-Jaroushi , Ph.D. Civil Engineering, on suspicion of political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Sulaiman El-Fandi, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Abdel-la Tief Karmous, Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering, for suspected political affiliation. 1998: Gaddafi detains Abdel-Barie Al-A 'Rousi, Ph.D., Corrosion Engineering, for suspected
political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Salah Omar Al-Shamekh, M.Sc. Zoology, for suspected political affiliations.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Tareg Ahmed Bou-Zeriba, M.Sc. Computer Science, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Hamed Naser El-Werfalli, M.Sc. Mathematics, for suspected political affiliation.

1998: Gaddafi regime detains Farhat El-Houni, Laboratory Technician Faculty of Engineering, for suspected political affiliation.


1999: Gaddafi refuses extradition for bombers of UTA Flight 772 to France. The regime denies responsibility.

2000s: Decade Overview

2000s: Gaddafi regime‟s repression and violence continue. Promises of reform measures prove to be a lie. Mosques are razes and worshipers shot at prayer. 


2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Abdulhafid Mohamed an-Najjar, Libyan refugee from Jordan.

2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Ashraf Sulayman al-Hamrouni, Libyan refugee from Jordan.

2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Ayman Mohammed Atiya, Libyan refugee from Jordan. There is no word.

2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Adel Salem Kamouka Libyan refugee from Jordan. There is no word. 2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Sammi Mohamed Sassi, Libyan refugee from Jordan. There is no word.

2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Ayman Awad al-Khbouli, Libyan refugee from Jordan. There is no word.

2000: Gaddafi regime disappears Jamal Mabrouk abu Sha'ala, Libyan refugee from Jordan. There is no word.


2001: Albaruni Alaihoury Alwerfally was hanged in the window of his brothers‟ house by Gaddafi‟s henchmen. He was taking care of his executed brother, Ramadan‟s house and children.


2002: Gaddafi regime arrests Fethi Eljehmi because he advocated democracy and called for free speech. He dies after falling into a coma in custody.

2002: Muhammad Massaud Al-Zubaidi, an 85-year-old man died and his body was unearthed and disposed of, due to his nephew‟s involvement, Saad Musbah in Oct 93 attempted coup.


2003: Gaddafi regime financially backs al-Bashir in Sudan, and enables his campaign of genocide against the Sudanese people.

2003: Saadi Gaddafi uses the people‟s money to buy entry into Italian Serie A team Perugia. He manages to play a single match before failing his mandatory drug tests.


2004: Gaddafi regime has one million dollar bounty placed on the head of Ashur Shamis, a Libyan journalist in the UK.

2004: Saif Gaddafi demands personal apology from Canada for denying him a student visa because of sanctions.

2004: Regime admits that massacre at Abu Salim prison in Tripoli occured and concedes that families have right to know. However, no official account exists to date.

2004: Gaddafi regime arrests the wife and child of Fethi Eljehmi and sever the phone lines of the family‟s home. This is done in retaliation for Eljehmi‟s advocacy for democracy and requests for free speech.


2005: Freedom House gives Gaddafi regime lowest possible rating on press freedom and human rights.

2005: Hannibal Gaddafi, student in Copenhagen at the time, directs the abduction of a Libyan national at the home of the Libyan consul in Gentofte, Denmark.

2005: Gaddafi regime abducts blogger Ghazal Shuhaibi from a Benghazi internet café in broad daylight. .

2005: Hussein Al-jedik killed by Libyan intelligence officers while incarcerated, for defending his uncle Khalil Al-jedik, member of Oct 93 coup, and insulting Ali Fituri, one of Gaddafi‟s „Free officers‟. Amnesty International and NFSL reported Hussein‟s death in 2005/2006.

2005: Gaddafi regime arrests and subsequently murders the journalist Daif al-Ghazal. His death comes after his fingers are systematically severed as a warning to other writers who criticize the government.


2006--present: Gaddafi regime holds Muhammad Abdallah Mansur al-Rimi without a lawyer.

2006: Journalists Without Borders calls the Gaddafi regime one of the most oppressive and brutal in the world. 2011 will provide them with additional proof.

2006: February 17th, Regime quashes Benghazi protest. Kills 16 unarmed civilians, both Libyan
and foreign.


2007: Gaddafi regime arrests `Abd al-Rahman al-Qotaiwi. He has not been heard from since, and his family would like to know where he is.

2007: Gaddafi regime arrests and disappears Jum‟a Boufayed. He has not been heard from
since, and his family would like to know where he is.

2007: Saif Gaddafi admits to Al-Jazeera that the tortured Bulargian medics into confessions for the Benghazi HIV outbreak trial but continues to deny legal accountability.

2007: The Gaddafi regime exploits the outbreak of HIV in Benghazi children to obtain financial support from the European Union and arms deals with France.

2007-present: Gaddafi regime holds Sofian Ibrahim Hamad Hamooda in detention without access to a lawyer.

2007: Saif Gaddafi continues to deny Libyan responsibility and government accountability for the terrorist bombings of PanAm & UTA 772.


2008: Saif al-Arab Gaddafi attempts to smuggle weapons from Munich to Paris in a car with diplomatic plates.

2008: Hannibal Gaddafi beats hotel servants in Switzerland. The Swiss government will seek justice, and receive retaliation from the regime.

2008: Gaddafi regime penalizes Switzerland for objecting to his son Hannibal's assault of a maid. The regime calls for the breakup of the country as retaliation.

2008: Saif Gaddafi buys off London School of Economics with the money of the Libyan people to receive his plagiarized PhD in “good governance.”

2008: Gaddafi regime uses money from the Libyan people (government funds) to finance Muatassim Gaddafi‟s maritime company,

2008: Saif Gaddafi continues to deny regime for the PanAm bombing over Lockerbie and calls the victims‟ families “greedy” in an interview with the BBC.


2009: Gaddafi regime prevents Amnesty International from meeting with families of Abu Salim massacre; accomplished through barring them from the airport. .

2009: Gaddafi‟s son Hannibal chases estranged ex-wife Aline to London and assaults her in public. This highlights the impunity to which the family feels entitled.

2009: Gaddafi regime abducts Swiss citizen, Max Goeldi in retaliation for Switzerland‟s punished of Hannibal‟s violence.

2009: Gaddafi regime abducts Swiss citizen Rachid Hamdani in retaliation for Switzerland‟s punished of Hannibal‟s violence.


2010: Saadi al-Gaddafi ordered to pay 392,000 Euros to Italian hotel for a bill he skipped out on in 2007


2011: Gaddafi regime arrests Fathi Terbil, lawyer for families of Abu Salim prison massacre victims.

2011: Saadi Gaddafi personally orders soldiers to massacre unarmed protestors in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Marwan El-Shutshat from Benghazi. He was 20 years old. 2011: Gaddafi forces destroy mosques and fire on those prayer, after barring entry to the masjid for prayers.

2011: Muhammad Gaddafi sends out death threats through his Libyana telecom company.

2011: Gaddafi forces target ambulances, hospitals, doctors and mercilessly execute unarmed and wounded.

2011: Gaddafi regime brutally massacres thousands of unarmed peaceful demonstrators.

2011: Gaddafi forces gang-rape lawyer Eman Al Obeidi. She is kidnapped in public as she tries to speak with media; the regime goes on to defame her, call her a prostitute, and lie about her whereabouts—after calling her a traitor on state television.

2011: Legacy of Gaddafi brutality has ruined the lives of countless inside & outside Libya for 42 years.

2011: Gaddafi forces burn the bodies of the dead, and raid graves, moving corpses to stage as “civilian” deaths once the No Fly Zone is enforced.

2011: Condoms and Viagra found on dead Gaddafi forces, indicating wide use of rape as weapon.

2011: Reports stream in that Gaddafi forces are raping captured resistance fighters.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Nassereldin Tresh, 21 years old, while he buys bread in Tajoura. There has been no information released on his whereabouts since, and his family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears 6 Libyan journalists for covering demonstrations. They have not been heard from.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps foreign journalist Ahmed Addin, of Al Jazeera. He has not been  charged.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps foreign journalist Lotfi al-Messaoudi, of Al Jazeera. He has not been charged. 2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps foreign journalist, Kamel Atalua, of Al-Jazeera. He has not been

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps foreign journalist Ammar al-Hamdan of Al Jazeera. He has not been charged.

2011: Amnesty International issues a report detailing the Gaddafi regime policy of "enforced disappearances." It runs several pages and only includes 2 months.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Atef 'Abd al-Qader Al-Atrash, 32, blogger, &father of 2 children from Benghazi prayer.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Mohammed El-Arfy from Benghazi. He was 19 years old. 2011: Gaddafi regime murders Mohammed Salam Bojanah from Benghazi He was 21 years old.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Naji Juma Gardan El-Kouafee in Benghazi. He was 18 years old.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Idris Ali Raslan El-Maghribi in Benghazi. He was 13 years old.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Zaynab Al Jareeree in Benghazi. She was gunned down for taking photographs.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Asma Farag El-Amamie in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Idris Ali Al-Maghribi in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Fathie Musbah El-Aribie in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Akram Salem Al-Maghribi in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Jamal Zohair Hassan Doobi in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Moataz Abdel Aati Al-drougui in Benghazi He was 19 years old.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears American Matthew Van Dyke, 31,as he heads to Brega to document atrocities. No news since March 24.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears student „Ounis Mohammad „Ounis al-Tajouri, 26, from Ras Lanuf.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Sofian Salem Senoussi Boujena, aged 32. Nothing heard since.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts medical students Ibrahim Fathi Ba‟eyou,. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts medical student Hassan Sa‟id Al-„Ammari,18. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Saleh Aqeel al-Dali,34, Benghazi. His baby girl is 2 months. His family has heard nothing.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Rafe‟ al-Bohoor Abd al-Qader, 43 in Benghazi. Nothing heard since.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Ahmed al-Mahdi al-Awjali,23, from Benghazi. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Hassan Abdel Fattah Shatwan, 24 from Benghazi. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Sami Naji al-Tawirqi, aged 16 in Benghazi. No news of him since.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears 16-year old Ahmed Anwar Bouqmeir in Benghazi.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Hassan Mohammad al-Qata‟ni, 14, Benghazi schoolboy. Family has heard nothing.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Mohamed Ali al-Aqeely, 14, Benghazi schoolboy. Nothing heard of him since.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Faraj Jum‟a al-Maghraby, 23, in Benghazi. His brother would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts 5 members of Ashtar family in Tripoli. Nothing has been heard from them since.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Abdelrahman Swilhi for giving his telephone number to journalists.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Shtiwi Swilhi, 25, for giving his telephone number to journalists.

2011: Gaddafi regime does not allow fajr prayers to take place at Tripoli mosques.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps two Benghazi brothers for facebook use (family withholds
names); no news since.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps Jamal al-Hajji from a Tripoli parking lot; they will not tell his family
where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Nabeel Kabar, 45 from Al-Zawiyya. His family would like
to know where he is

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Imam Salah Salem Kamash in front of his children in Al-Bayda.
There has been no news.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Driss Mesmari near Benghazi. No information given.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears writer Mohammad Mosbah Soheim, 30. Family has heard

2011: Gaddafi regime kills Ehab Kabar in martyr square Al-Zawiyya, his newborn would have
liked to have a father.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts oil technicican Safai Eddine Hilal al-Sharif, 41, father of five, from
Ras Lanuf. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Ali Abdelounis al-Mansouri from Tobruk. He asked for peaceful
demonstrations. His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime arrests Adel Abdullah El-Gehani, army colonel & father of 7 for criticism of
government actions against civilians. His family has heard nothing.

2011: Gaddafi promises on live television to execute dissidents, house by house, alley by alley.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts and tortures BBC journalists.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Libyan-American Dr. Rida Mazagri, from Charleston, Virginia, as
he leaves to search for wounded in need of medical care.

2011: Gaddafi regime arrests writer Mohamed al-Sahim in Benghazi. His crime was using

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears writer Idris al-Mismari as he speaks to Al-Jazeera, live on air.
His family would like to know where he is.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Omar Khamis Ibrahim, 30, in Ras Lanuf. His family will learn this
information through State Television.

2011: Gaddafi regime disappears Faraj al-Murgrabi, 23, near Benghazi. His family would like to
know where he is.
2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Fathi al-Murgrabi, 40; his family will learn this information from
State Television.

2011: Gaddafi forces abduct foreign journalist Joe Raedle, a photographer for Getty Images.

2011: Gaddafi forces abduct foreign journalist Dave Clark, on assignment with Agence France-

2011: Gaddafi forces abduct foreign journalist Roberto Schmidt, on assignment with Agence

2011: Gaddafi forces execute Mohamed Shaglouf, driver of New York Times journalists
abducted & threatened with death.

2011: Gaddafi forces kidnap New York Times journalist Stephen Farrell. He will be beaten
repeatedly before release.

2011: Gaddafi forces kidnap New York Times journalist , Tyler Hicks. He will be beaten
repeatedly before release.

2011: Gaddafi forces kidnap New York Times journalist Anthony Shadid. He will be beaten
repeatedly before release.

2011: Gaddafi forces kidnap New York Times journalist Lynsey Addario. She will be beaten and
sexually assaulted prior to her release.

2011: Gaddafi regime murders Al-Jazeera cameraman Ali Hassan Al-Jaber in an ambush.

2011: Gaddafi forces fire on funerals of the martyrs.

2011: Gaddafi regime deports journalists trying to stop a public kidnapping of gang-rape
survivor Eman al-Obeidi.

2011: Gaddafi regime uses Saif speech to lure people into street. Those unarmed watching are
gunned down immediately following.

2011: Gaddafi regime cuts electricity, water & communications to cities across Libya that call

for democracy.

2011: Gaddafi regime hacks the websites and personal accounts of pro-democracy advocates
outside Libya.

2011: Gaddafi regime defames Islam by claiming that pro-democracy forces are Al-Qaeda.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps resistance fighters and forces them to lie on television about
political affiliations.

2011: Gaddafi forces detain and gang-rape lawyer Eman Al-Obeidi for days, along with several
other female attorneys.

2011: Gaddafi forces abduct gang-rape survivor Eman Al-Obeidi as she tries to speak to media.
State television calls her a traitor.

2011: Gaddafi regime defames Eman Al-Obeidi, calling her a whore, and bring slander charges
against her.

2011: Gaddafi regime lies about the release of Eman Al-Obeidi, after trying to buy off her family
to force her to recant.

2011: Gaddafi sniper fires at 4-year old.

2011: Gaddafi forces enter hospitals all over Libya. Doctors, nurses and the injured are
executed en masse.

2011: Gaddafi hires mercenaries to turn on unarmed demonstrators in Libya; there are reports
that mercenaries are foreign workers forced to fight for Gaddafi.

2011: Gaddafi sniper murders citizen journalist Mohamed Nabbous, the founder of voice of
Libya Hurra channel. His wife is expecting their first child.

2011: Gaddafi regime adducts Leeds businessman Zeyad Ramadan in incommunicado
detention. His whereabouts are unknown, and his family would like to hear word of his fate.

2011: Gaddafi regime closes access to all media, other than State Television, which is used to
spread propaganda, misinformation, and to incite violence on unarmed demonstrators.

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Leeds businessman Ghazi Ramadan, holding him in
incommunicado detention at an undisclosed location. His family would like to hear word of his

2011: Gaddafi regime detains Microsoft employee. He is held without charges. His family would
like to know how he is.

2011: Since the beginning of the uprising, the Gaddafi regime has kidnapped approximately

20,000 people. There has no word of their whereabouts. For perspective, the total population
of Libya is approximately 6.4 million.

2011: Since the beginning of the uprising, approximately 3000 refugees flee the country per
day. For perspective, the total population of Libya is approximately 6.4 million, a number which
does not include the dead, wounded, or disappeared.

2011: The Gaddafi regime seizes the passports of high-ranking officials, holding them hostage
in Tripoli-as an attempt to curb defections.

2011: The Gaddafi regime pulls school children from studies, and forces them to protest

2011: Gaddafi regime abducts Khaled Sury and holds him in incommunicado detention in an
undisclosed location. His whereabouts are unknown, and his family would like to hear word of
his fate.

2011: The Gaddafi regime kidnaps Syrian journalist Rana al-Akbani. She is detained in an
undisclosed location and interrogated on state tv. Her family finds out through seeing her on
State Television. She is forced to retract her statements on television and her and her brother
are then released.

2011: The Gaddafi regime kidnaps Hani al-Akbani, brother of Syrian journalist Rana al-Akbani.
He is detained, not charged, and most likely tortured. The family will learn this information from
State Television. He is allowed to leave once Ran retracted her statements.

2011: The Gaddafi regime kidnaps Sandra Cristo, roommate of Syrian journalist Rana al-
Akbani. She was released a few days later.

2011: The Gaddafi regime deports 26 foreign journalists from Tripoli for demanding to cover the
atrocities. These are the lucky ones, as their whereabouts and safety are known.

2011: Gaddafi regime kidnaps Global Post journalist James Foley, along with three others, as
they work in Brega. They have not been charged.

2011: Gaddafi Regime deports Reuters correspondent Micheal Georgy from Tripoli for trying to
document atrocity.

2011: Regime deports Daily Telegraph journalist Damien McElroy from Tripoli for trying to
document atrocity.

2011: Gaddafi regime detains South African photographer for the Star, Anton Hammer, outside
Brega. There have been no charges filed.

2011: Gaddafi regime arrests and detains Spanish photographer Manuel Varela de Seijas,
employee of FREE. There have been no charges filed.

2011: Amnesty documents plain clothed security officials loyal to Colonel al-Gaddafi detaining

some 150 people at a mosque in Mizran Street, Tripoli, to prevent them holding a peaceful
protest after Friday prayers. There is no word as to their whereabouts.

2011: Gaddafi regime razes mosques in Zawiyya to prevent congregational prayer and possible

2011: Gaddafi regime attacks ports of Misurata; the aim is not to retake control of the city, but
merely to block humanitarian aid from reaching the site of the massacres.