Sunday, October 23, 2011

Herman Cain or Allen West for president?

Marian Scirrotto
Herman Cain or Allen West for president?

Herman Cain or Allen West for president?

tncdel  October 23, 2011 (2 hours ago)
In an effort to draft Allen West, I am posting polls asking folks to choose between the other major GOP candidates, individually, versus West, to ascertain how West would fair against others in seeking the GOP nomination.

If the response to West is more favorable than to the opposing candidate choice, I will post the results on Allen West's own facebook page where he can see that he is wanted to run by the majority.
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  • Herman Cain [explain].
    I think he has a better chance to unseat the status quo that just keeps giving us the ss/dd year after year after year.
  • Allen West [explain].
    SK~no weed in my tea
    More knowledge and experience regarding our military. with Bachmann as VP she has knowledge and experience regarding tax issues.
  • Allen West [explain].
    Allen West.
  • Allen West [explain].
    He's got everything going for him!
  • Herman Cain [explain].
    Doug King
    I believe thar Herman can do the job and being a good businessman in this economy may be just what we need as opposed to a good politician.
  • Allen West [explain].
    WEST 100 %, Cain is a good businessman but he'll never have the knowledge as Allen West
  • tncdel
    Cain's also too wishy-washy and has questionable ties to Bilderberg.
  • Allen West [explain].
    Gracie - Proud Conservative
    I love Allen West. I've supported him since I learned about his long before the election. I also like Herman Cain. I'd vote for either or both. I think Cain is very strong economically and West is very strong on foreign policy. I think they would make an excellent team.
  • tncdel
    I think they would be INCOMPATIBLE. Cain recently stated that he would have no problem with appointing a Muslim who supports Sharia Law to a Cabinet post. Do you think Allen West would embrace someone diametrically opposed to his own views on stopping Islamic encroachment?
  • Gracie - Proud Conservative
    Cain was trying to smooth over the fact that he originally said he would not point a Muslim to his cabinet. Then he had to say he would not discriminate against a Muslim. He's certainly not some Muslim sympathizer.
  • tncdel
    West also doesn't like his 9-9-9 plan or Cain's support of TARP bailouts.

    See, for example:
  • Herman Cain [explain].
    I think West is fabulous, as Vice President... 
    Cain   West 2012
  • tncdel
    No way, Rick! They would be wholly incompatible. How would Allen West be compatible with a guy who recently said he has no problem with appointing a Muslim who supports Sharia Law to a Cabinet post?

    West also criticizers Cain's 9-9-9 plan as impractical. See:
  • Allen West [explain].
    Cain couldn't even win an election in his own homestate. So how he's going to carry a national election? 

    West won. 

    Cain says he would have no problem appointing a Muslim who supports Sharia Law to a Cabinet post. See:

    Here's West's stance on Islam: 
  • krayzrick
    If he's on the ballot, I will certainly vote for him.
  • tncdel
    Be wary of Cain. Of course I would vote for ANYONE running against Obama. But Bachmann is the ONLY true Conservative currently running for president. But she lacks the leadership ability of West or his ability to generate voter enthusiasm.