Thursday, October 27, 2011

#Klout Should I Dump You for a Higher Klout Score?

Should I Dump You for a High Klout?

Today Klout released a new score model which is a “biggest step forward in accuracy, transparency and technology in Klout’s history” . To be honest, I spent my morning organizing my contact book , reconnecting with people, and did not know anything about this until Christel Quek [@ladyxtel] sent me a message on Facebook. For most people I know, their Klout dropped from 10 to 20 points. People are MAD and some even started #OccupyKlout.

My Klout went from 76 to 56 overnight. Oh no  20 points, that hurts. I wont get $1000 shopping spree or invited to the coolest parties in town again. What am I going to do with my life? I am nobody, nobody will care about me?  How can I look at people now?  *tears* *tears * tears*
Just Kidding.

Do I really care? NO.  If you follow me on Twitter, you know I have been making fun of Klout for months.  Klout score does not change the way I influence people. People still love me the same as yesterday.
However I need to know how Klout calculate its score. People often ask me about Klout, and I need to understand it in order to answer the those questions.
These principles form the basis of our PeopleRank algorithm which determines your Score based on:
  • how many people you influence,
  • how much you influence them and
  • how influential they are.
Klout punishespeople who engage with less influential people is not something new. Jure Klepic [@jkcallas] mentioned this before in a blog post by Aaron Lee.
This means if I want to keep my Klout high, I should only talk to influencers/ Twitter elites [people with higher score than me or the 1% Twitter Users].   I have never liked people telling me what to do.  Remember the time HootSuite asked me to ban a #RBchat member if I want it to be a guest; and I cancelled that chat.  Klout cannot make me break up with friends in order to be an influencer. Sorry, my friends go before any brand. If anything happens to me tomorrow, my friends will stand next to me not Hootsuite nor Klout. Without the people around me, there is no @cammipham. The real value of social media is the real relationships I am building not a silly score. I might not get freebies or invitations anymore but I still have  my friends and nothing is more valuable than them.  Nobody can become an influencer without the little people. If Klout thinks I am less influential because I am talking to my friends, it does not know how to measure.
 Its not the klout score that matters, its the community – Aaron Lee [@askaaronlee]
At the end of the day, don’t forget worrying about losing Klout will make you losing your real life relationship points. Your Klout dropped but your friends are still here, nothing changed. And if your friends dumped you over Klout score, you really don’t need that kind of friends. Don’t let the silly clown Klout influences you. The only thing that matters is the real relationships you have. Forget about Klout and focus on  building relationship.
 It’s your turn: Did your Klout drop or increase? How do you feel about this? Do you think it will change the way brand treating you?