Thursday, October 20, 2011

#Saif Gaddafi has been ARRESTED and is INJURED #LIBYA og Ggoness ICC in #TheHague get his ROOM ready

Joanne ♌ Leo
 Gaddafi has been ARRESTED and is INJURED  og Ggoness ICC in  get his ROOM ready 

 Tarek Alwan 

No confirmation about  yet.  
 Peter Clifford 

 UNCONFIRMED report that   injured & arrested after attack on convoy near 
 Bollywood Ji 

Royalty beckons Saif Ali Khan   
 Joanne ♌ Leo 

 Gaddafi has been ARRESTED and is INJURED  og Ggoness ICC in  get his ROOM ready 

 UNCONFIRMED NEWS:   has been injured and arrested

 yet they will bring Nabila Ramdani (#Saif's best gf) to elaborate on the rumor

 killed. Moussa "Long Nose" Ibrahim captured.  under attack. Mutassim captured / killed    
 Venetia Rainey 

One Gaddafi standing.  still at large. Can't be long now.
 jamal tripoli 

BREAKING:  ALMUBASHER Reports the capture of  al aslam  
 Joanne ♌ Leo 

I will actually really like to see the weazel  Gaddafi CAPTURED rather then dead Would love to see the SMIRK wiped off his face 
 Noah O'Connell 

I so want to see the bewildered look on  & Musa's faces as they realize they are no longer in control.
 Sllort Ifaddag 

Yep! Some Gaddafis still on the run:  !! RT : still working hard ? :) gadaffi is finally dead . Allahu akbar
 S K 

shell his convoy with some mortars!    

 's convey under attack in  right now

BREAKING! Fierce fighting in   in  area & reports is   is there. Confirmed will follow
 Joanne ♌ Leo 

 Gaddafi captured alive in  now also conflicting reports coming in abt  Gaddafi 
 Jeanie Abdullah 

Where is  the brutal bloody murderer