Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#Sirte #BaniWalid Benghazi brigade of 200 fighters, who were at Sirte, arrived in Bani Waldi to help secure city with their brother fighters

Boras: Benghazi brigade of 200 fighters, who were at Sirte, arrived in Bani Waldi to help secure city with their brother fighters 

Boras: Benghazi brigade of 200 fighters, who were at Sirte, arrived in Bani Waldi to help secure city with their brother fighters 
 Al Fatah original 
  exterminates 2 percent of a populated city
Вот доказательства   1200 гражданских убиты вчера бомбежками НАТО ужасным оружием
  Video “: Boxing is back in  after decades of  ban 
Her contributors should buy her a globe. RT  Michele Bachmann: Obama "Put Us In . He Is Now Putting Us In Africa." Words fail.
 is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice of the US. .
 Roberto Lahsen 
hdp fascista Hillary Clinton dice que Moammar Qadhafi debe ser "apresado" o "asesinado", que derecho tienen estos HDP??? 
 WOW,isn't it great that everything is differ, its notonly  gone,but everysingle thingN  ischanging!! congrats my bro:)
 Def - the only true 
 - Urgent - Urgent Urgent - free volunteering phycholigists needed - if one can contact local MSF os RedCross - souls need help too
 sharon lynch 
RT : Battle under way to crush last Gaddafi holdout Sirte : AFP  
 The New Republic 
Michele Bachmann: Obama "Put Us In . He Is Now Putting Us In Africa."  Words fail.
 Ali Wahida 
 must cooperate with  on the Gaddafi family<<The British Foreign Minister William Hague invisit to