Monday, October 17, 2011

#Sirte BREAKING: Confirmed from Abdalla Kenshil via LPC "#Baniwalid is fully Liberated"!!! Allahu Akbar!

Shabab Libya
BREAKING: Confirmed from Abdalla Kenshil via LPC "#Baniwalid is fully Liberated"!!! Allahu Akbar! RT.
 Shabab Libya 
BREAKING: Confirmed from Abdalla Kenshil via LPC "#Baniwalid is fully Liberated"!!! Allahu Akbar! RT.
  The last frustrating & absurd Gaddafi last stance did more damage to Libya n reconciliation than the entire war.
 AJE Tony Birtley reports most of  in NTC hands - just pockets of resistance. fighters firing in air in celebration.
 Peter Clifford 
 's Move into central & eastern  & take control of hospital. 
ok it has been confirmed now RT “ now control most of   is there.”
: Monday FFs had raised the country’s new flag over '#BaniWalid, not yet clear if the town had been captured
 Gihan Badi 
 Fighters launched a fresh assault on the desert oasis of  on Sun as fighting died down in # Sirte  
We thought  will free  first then move  but they always surprise us!
RT   control of new areas in northern part of Bani Walid, arrested more than 20 Gfroces 
 Gihan Badi 
 forces are keeping up their siege of  & enter   
  Instead of accepting defeat & even making a comeback later in the political arena Gaddafi chose to continue the bloodshed
 &  would be intact if Gaddafi was smart enough to realize he has been defeated. But thugs generally have a little brain.
If  has been freed why its so quiet on twitter and FB? :/
 Gihan Badi 
Alj: , battles continue to rage in south front near artificial river reservoir in  distric… (cont)