Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gaddafi dead

Ahmed Sanalla
BREAKING: Must SEE video showing body of , hasn't been aired on any news network   


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Uploaded by  on Oct 20, 2011
فيديو يظهر القذافي ميتا لكن لم تعرضه القنوات الإخبارية ..عقبال علي صالح وبشار الأسد..
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  • No matter how bad the man was, it take a cruel people to kill and parade a man's body for any reason.
  • barbaric disgusting
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  • Tja, alles zivilisierte, waschechte Demokraten, die den Grundstein für die Entwicklung einer freien und demokartischen Gesellschaft in Libyen legen...
    ...ich könnte kotzen... so verständlich die Freude über den Tod Gaddafis sein mag, mit Leichen geht man anders um, es sei denn, man ist ein "Allahu Akbar"-brüllender Halbaffe.
  • It's not real...that's a dummy.
  • @tltate , How can you say that? Do you know what kind of horrors this devil of a man has perpetrated upon people? They just gave him a taste of his own medicine.
  • Uhhh yeahhh it's easy for u to talk shit ant how those people are barbarians and shit but if u could get a hold of the man that was responsible for the deaths of ur friends or family would u do any different?
  • están tooodos locos ahi.........
  • *قال الكتاب قد جعلت قدامك الحياة و الموت البركة و اللعنة فاختر؟ لا تكن شريرا كثيرا ولا جاهلا لماذا تموت في غير و قتك
  • Kick ass!!!!! :-) he is X(
  • @keepfittildesley ahh not really man
  • Animals. They will and have already done much worse than Gadaffi did. That is why we must not get involved in thier issues. They still have the minds of prehistoric barbarians. Raping, murderous scum that kill and murder thier own. why on earth would Nato get mixed up with these people? They are a naturaly disloyal, ignorant and ungratefull people who will never have allegiance to anyone. not even NATO. I am sure this footage strikes warnings to those who helped them. they are the bigger evil.
  • mother fuckers
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