Thursday, October 13, 2011

#Vote in #StawPoll @election2012 Yesterday PPP released numbers showing Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney 30-22 in Iowa


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Paul Rosenberg
Birtherism is still very much about race. Cain is a "good black" in conservatives eyes, reinforcing their racial worldview, telling them exactly what they want to hear. This makes him the ideal messenger for them.
For deeper background on this, see Corey Robin on the "Outsider politics" form of rightwing populism here:
The idea that a very wealthy person should pay the exact same PERCENTAGE of his income as a poor wage earner or a lower middle income worker is absurd.
The Pizza man needs to be thoroughly scorned and ridiculed for msaking such a proposal.
And the national sales tax definitely WOULD impact the poor more than the rich, since more of the poor's incomes is spent on food and necessities of life.
The Cain plan, by several calculations, would NOT raise anywhere near the amount of money necessary to keep the government runnuing smoothly. And not enough money to keep the social safety net in place and properly fund social security and medicare and medicaid for the future.
Obama 2012
Just... holy sh&t! I can't believe how crazy the Republican voters are. Herman. Cain. No... really!?! Are these people serious? And the second coming of Newt Gingrich? Maybe they really are crazy enough to deny Romney, the only guy who can actually beat Obama, the nomination. I love it.
I think it is hilarious that liberals are so focused on Race that they end up chasing their tails. They love Obama so much that they can't imagine that people would dislike him for any reason other than "he's black". So all conservatives have to be racist.(For the record, we don't like the President because he is a Socialist.) But that argument falls apart when Herman Cain is winning in the GOP polls. So they have to say that conservatives only like Cain because "he's black" which somehow still makes us racist. (For the record I like him because he is honest, aggressive, outspoken, conservative, has a great sense of humor, and is not afraid of the media.)
You know what is really racist? People who can't talk about Herman Cain or Barack Obama without mentioning their skin color. You know who does that the most? The Democrats.
But that's ok. It just goes to show that liberal politics and policies can't be defended with logical discussion, so they have to result to petty insults and hate speech. Which, at the end of the day, makes Conservatives look more intelligent, logical, and open to dialogue than their opponents. Thanks!
Obama 2012
I agree with Mr. Rosenberg - birtherism is about race (and insanity.) Herman Cain is every tea partier's "black friend." They only accept him because he parrots everything they say.
And we'll see if they actually nominate him...
Personally i find this poll a Pure Joke Cain leading with 30%? and Ron Paul with 5%? i mean come on other polls now have Ron Paul in thrid place, Cains 999 Plan will be a disaster.
If i Were you, i will be looking for someone who can restore americas image into the world, by not been a war monger president, sadly cain is a very strong war monger idealist.
Why cant you people see it?
Sane people tend to ascribe a degree of racism to right-wingers because there is a strong strain of racism in the American right wing. That doesn't mean every right-winger is racist, but the vast majority of racists are right-wingers. In addition, since anyone with two or more brain cells functioning knows that President Obama is not a Socialist, people assume that anyone claiming otherwise must be using that ludicrous statement to avoid expressing their true reasons.
@realnrh. The majority of people who are racists are Democrats. You keep bringing it up. You have your own CBC club. And anyone who dares say anything about Obama is immediately slandered. Give me a break
Bruno Get command of the english language before you post. It's "I would be looking...." and "by not being a war monger". You must be a product of the current union led teaching system.
realinrh, Quotas based on race are raceism in reverse.O bama expresses socialist policies, ie reditribution of wealth and that the government is the only one that can create jobs. If it walks like a duck and smells like a duck, it must be a duck.
Boy there are some stupid people commenting on here. The poor are eliminated from fair tax, an individual in either prebated or rebated for their taxes in ALLLLLLLLl fair tax plans being promoted with the cut off for an individual at 32K. Some refuse to study what might be fair to all... because that would make way too much sense... 999 is the road to FAIR TAX dear goobers!
You leftists/stateist are the worst gaggle of bigots I've ever seen collected in place. You have b--s--t elitist ideas of what you think right-wing people are. You're all completely wrong of course, but your small intellects and large ego's won't allow you to prevail that.
You all say, Cain is the TEA party choice becuase they are racists. But if he didn't win, it would be becuase they are racists. Your whole identity is about sitting on a sideline and pointing out who the racists are and feeling wonderfully smug.
Normal right-wing people don't care about race, they care about fellows pulling thier weight, and being good stewards of the nation we all live in. The lefist have always been about control and domination which makes them naturally racists in it's purist darkest form. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. But that would require a conscience, which coming from the proles that applauded Rosie Odonnell who thinks that the nations solution is to put the educated resourcefull and energetic into 're-education camps' alle' Pol Pot, that is until they can get around to mass murdering them. (oh, we know what you libs mean by 'rich'. I mean afterall NPR is one of the most anti-semetic institutions out there.)
You're all animals and deserve nothing.
bo jangles
Cain got busted lying; we'll see how fast these polls drop
Herman Cain will win the Presidency.