Sunday, November 20, 2011

Comments from Saif #libya Reuters has just put out a story on audio recordings picked up in plane #Saif was on

sharon lynch
RT 16: We have just put out a story on audio recordings picked up in plane was on yday 
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: When men on plane lit up cigarettes,  said:'the plane is sealed and we'll suffocate… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: Shortly after saying he expected to be shot on site, he said he was not afraid of being kil… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: he is heard saying: 'I knew it, I knew that there would be a big crowd'  
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16 says:'I'm staying here. They'll empty their guns into me the second I go out there… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: The recording is of  speaking to his captors after we landed in Zintan 
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: Gaddafi's son showed fear, bravado after capture  
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: We have just put out a story on audio recordings picked up in plane  was on yday 
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: Saif's fate will be a test for new govt as it sets to stamp its authority on a state domina… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: Gaddafi son held as Libyans wrangle on government 
10 sharon lynch 
RT 16: Good morning from Tripoli.Reuters have a crew in Zintan who will be following events there.… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 27: Just spoke to one of Libya's longest serving pol prisoners - he's overjoyed at news of ca… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 53: Bloodied people, many of them children, keep getting carried in to hospital. This was a br… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 67: Abdullah al Senussi is one of the main criminals responsible of the  prison massacre… (cont)
10 sharon lynch 
RT 52: SCAF violent crackdown really shows their incompetence -- destroying their own game plan.
10 sharon lynch 
RT 34: Tents, blankets, a motorcycle all set ablaze in by army/police. Tear gas heavy.