Monday, November 21, 2011

It just gets worse RT @ Storyful Turkish pilgrims attacked by Syrian security forcesst

Karen Inglis
It just gets worse RT @ Storyful Turkish pilgrims attacked by Syrian security forces  

Turkish pilgrims attacked by Syrian security forces

Turkish pilgrims attacked by Syrian security forces
From: @_AEK_
Three Turkish buses carrying Muslim pilgrims came under fire at a checkpoint near the Syrian city of Homs on Monday morning. One of the bus drivers reportedly said, “Syrian soldiers emerged from behind sandbags and cursed (Turkish Prime Minister) Recep Tayyip Erdogan when we told them we were Turks. Then they suddenly opened fire at the bus.” The shot bus driver has been taken to a Turkish hospital near the Syrian border.
Military &sec forces open fire on 2 Turkish buses heading 2wards #Turkey via Bab Hawa bordercrossing, injured some Turkish travellers #Syria
Nov 21 via TweetDeckFavoriteRetweetReply
From @M_akbik
This video shows the buses at the Bab Al-Hawa border cross where ambulances arrived to treat the wounded.

From MrYhd26