Sunday, November 20, 2011

#Libya Capture of Col. Muammar Gaddafi's intelligence chief and brother in law, it has ended the hunt for one of the most feared

The executioner' Abdullah al-Senussi captured . Known as the butcher to his victims families . 

Abdullah al-Senussi, former head of the Libyan Intelligence Service. Photo: Reuters
With the capture of Col. Muammar Gaddafi's intelligence chief and brother in law, it has ended the hunt for one of the most feared and obdurate men of one of the world's most repressive regimes.
Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC prosecutor, wants him for his role in attempting to violently crush the Benghazi popular protests in February this year.
But Senussi's association with the worst excesses of the Libyan regime stretch back to the early days of Col. Gaddafi's dictatorial rule.
Most notorious for Libyans is the allegation that he gave the order for the massacre of 1,200 political inmates in Abu Salim prison in 1996.
After riots broke out over prisoner's demands for better food and sanitation, Libyans believe Senussi gave the 
The 62 year old was the "right hand man" of the Libyan dictator.
Videos taken of the wedding that consolidated their friendship into a family fold show him and Gaddafi walking side by side, hugging, at a ceremony dripping with opulence and wealth.
Other videos obtained by the Daily Telegraph, show him on family holidays with Gaddafi, playing football with his son Saadi, then aged 13.
The ICC described him as "personal adviser to Gaddafi on security services, policy and military matters".
His notoriety has spread to Europe. For Britain, he will long be remembered for his involvement in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing in which 270 people were killed.
In his then capacity as head of Libyan external security he was thought to have recruited Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the man convicted of the attack, and then released in circumstances that remain unclear.
The French will remember him for his role in masterminding the bombing of a French airliner over Niger in 1989 in which 170 people were killed.
That led to a 1999 case in which he was convicted in absentia in France. He has been unable to travel abroad freely since then.
In later years, as Libya's policies became more western-centric, he sought to massage away the past with pr and politics. With a smile he promoted the "emergence of the new Libya".
But on Sunday, in the fledgling "free Libya" members of the National Transitional Council sealed his fate.
"He will be tried and he will be tried in local courts. We will not hand over a Libyan to be tried abroad, and issue which is ruled by sovereignty of the country," said NTC spokesman Abdul Hafiz Ghoga.