Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mo Nabbous "It's the best spot for my make-shift Libya newsdesk. The TV screen, in perfect view, glows in the dark with a broadcast of Al Jazeera English, which we have been watching obsessively for the past "

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I had never met Nabbous, but I felt like I knew him-- most of his viewers felt the same way. 
We referred to him as Mo and spoke about him not as if he were a stranger we knew only through a window on our computer screens but as if he were a close life-long friend. 
He had become a beacon for the Libyan community abroad, an impalpable tether to our family and friends back home in Benghazi. At an early...
It's the best spot for my make-shift Libya newsdesk. The TV screen, in perfect view, glows in the dark with a broadcast of Al Jazeera English, which we have been watching obsessively for the past ...
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