Sunday, November 20, 2011

#Photo Place is called Bu #Qira its a small village west of #Sabha SW #Libya Abddulah #Senussi was arrested in his Sisters home

Joanne ♌ Leo
17 its called Bu  its a small village west of  SW  Abddulah  was arrested in his Sisters home

 Libyan Mad Dog 
Please do not kill , he posses so much information about  regime 
 Kimberly Jones 
31 If  is caught I pray Libyan treat him with the respect he NEVER gave you! Give him a fair trial and get him to spill!
46 Joanne ♌ Leo 
17 its called Bu  its a small village west of  SW  Abddulah  was arrested in his Sisters home
38 Jean-Nicolas Saucier 
 : le  confirme l'arrestation d'Abdullah , beau-frère de , tortionnaire et ex-chef de la sécurité intérieure.
 J-M Sommarstrom 
Gadaffis spychief  captured near Sabha according to 
 خيرية Bint Tajoura 
10: Back to the good old non-stop-Zapping-channel..    ” same :)
56 Olly Barratt 
RT 7: Reuters reports NTC commander says 's intelligence chief  is surrunded and negotiating surrender. 
7 Feature Story News 
Reuters reports NTC commander says 's intelligence chief  is surrunded and negotiating surrender. 
38 Danya B Mohammed 
My dad and I are saying allahuakbr because  just got caught!!
17 Daniele Pinto 
Reports suggest 's intelligence chief  was found in southern town of Algeera near Sebha at his sister's house. 
69 Andy Carvin 
Not sure if confirmed yet. Anyone? RT 38: Wowoowowowoowowho aljazeera says  has been caught!!! Now all we need is a picture!