Sunday, November 13, 2011

#Pyramid #Sphinx #Atlantis The Great Pyramid and Sphinx were built by survivors from Atlantis - in 10500 BC says Edgar #Cayce

Why 10500 BC?

Perhaps it is connected with the prophecies of the American psychic Edgar Cayce - for whom Hancock and Bauval seem to have a great deal of respect. Edgar Cayce, known as the 'Sleeping Prophet', who died in 1945, is widely believed to be a simple, uneducated Kentucky man, who entered a trance state and made pronouncements about the ancient past as well as giving predictions for the future.
According to Cayce, the Great Pyramid and Sphinx were built by survivors from Atlantis - in 10500 BC. He said that the Atlanteans had built an underground 'Hall of Records' that contains the collected wisdom of their race and which, he said, would be discovered in 1998. This would somehow trigger a New Age, and the emergence of a new race. We spent a lot of time looking at Cayce's predictions - and found that, despite the fact that his followers claim that he was 'close to one hundred per cent accurate', you would be hard pressed to find even one of his prophecies that has come true.

For example, recently someone told us that Cayce was a brilliant prophet because, in the early 1940s, he predicted that China would become Communist by 1968. Of course, if true, that would be impressive. Unfortunately, what Cayce actually said was that China would become Christian by 1968. But even so Cayce is extremely interesting. Far from being a virtual simpleton, he was extremely widely read, and as a young man worked in several bookstores. He was also entrusted with setting up new lodges for his fellow Freemasons.

But more significant than that were his contacts. We discovered that, just after the First World War, Cayce was called in to advise President Woodrow Wilson. The person who arranged this was a close friend of Cayce's, Colonel Edmond Starling, who was head of the US Secret Service. Cayce was best known for the cures that he prescribed while in trance, which were often genuinely impressive. This is what hooked his admirers, who made the fatal error of assuming that all his psychic abilities were just as good. However, as we have seen, it turns out that this is not the case. But people at the time did not know that his predictions would fail, and he was feted by leading industrialists, top politicians - including at least one President - senior Army commanders, and members of the intelligence services.

Cayce, as we have seen, predicted the finding of the Hall of Records at Giza. It is interesting that there have been many attempts to find the Hall of Records there in the last 25 years. It needs to be pointed out that the ancient Egyptians themselves never mentioned any such thing in the context of Giza, nor is there any archaeological evidence for it. The concept of the Hall of Records comes entirely from Edgar Cayce. As we would expect, the prime movers in the search for the Hall of Records have been the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), which was formed by Cayce in the 1930s and continues to promote his work. Other key players on the Giza plateau (sometimes working in collaboration with ARE) have been a team from a very interesting organisation called SRI International (formerly the Stanford Research Institute - ed.).

This is one of the world's biggest private scientific research institutes, and it has a reputation - which we discovered is justified - for working closely with the American military and intelligence community. Around 75 per cent of SRI's income comes from contracts with the Pentagon and other US government agencies, including the CIA.

SRI made many expeditions to Egypt during the 1970s, taking with it state-of-the-art equipment designed to locate hidden chambers. The team was led by physicist Dr Lambert Dolphin Jr. But it is interesting that they gave up looking at Giza in 1979, apparently without having found anything. However, since then the mystique of the Hall of Records has continued to be built up, so that there is an expectation of revelations coming from Egypt in the near future.

Now that 1998 - when Cayce said the Hall of Records would be found - has passed, rumours are beginning to circulate that it was found in the form of the so-called Tomb of Osiris. This is a chamber at the bottom of a shaft some 120 feet beneath the Giza plateau not far from the Sphinx, which was re-excavated last year. It has no records of any kind in it, and yet attempts are being made to pass this off as somehow confirming Cayce's prophecy. In any case, it was first excavated in the 1930s.

The point is that, if any of these people find something that might be a Hall of Records, it will be taken as proof that Cayce was right not only about his version of ancient history, but also in his predictions of imminent global transformation. But you can be sure that, if the year 2000 comes and goes without any Hall of Records, the same people will continue to exploit the increasingly fervent longing for it to be found. Make no mistake: Egypt itself is a very potent symbol. This has not escaped those that deal in the exploitation of belief systems - such as the intelligence agencies.

Another emotive issue is the whole question of life on other planets, and recently we have seen a concerted effort to connect ancient Egypt with a putative lost civilisation on Mars, as for example, in Hancock and Bauval's 1998 book The Mars Mystery. Everybody will be familiar with the so-called Face on Mars and Pyramids of Mars, features of an area of known as Cydonia that some argue can only be artificial. They were discovered in photographs taken by the Viking mission in 1976. Their most enthusiastic exponent is science writer Richard C. Hoagland. Since the early 1980s, Hoagland has run a well-funded group which is currently called the Enterprise Mission. Although there are other, more cautious, researchers in this field whose work deserves serious consideration, Hoagland and his team's primary aim is not simply to promote the idea of artificial structures on Mars, but to extrapolate from their existence a message for Earth today - and for our immediate future. They also try to link the alleged monuments of Cydonia to ancient Egypt. Hoagland's own message is that the Martian monuments were built by an extraterrestrial civilisation that came from outside our solar system, who also visited ancient Egypt and influenced the development of that civilisation - and who are about to return.
Edgar Cayce
Unfortunately for Hoagland, the so-called Face was re-imaged by the Mars Global Surveyor last year, and shown to be nothing more than a featureless rocky outcrop. Dismissing the new pictures as 'crap', Hoagland is unrepentant and continues to maintain the Egypt-Mars connection. And in this Hancock and Bauval agree. To them also there is a link between Mars and Egypt. Those authors use many of the same arguments as Hoagland to try to prove the link. (Robert Temple, in the new edition of The Sirius Mystery, has also endorsed the Face on Mars, believing it to be connected with beings from Sirius.)

We ourselves think that the Mars story is by no means clear-cut. For example, the Pyramids of Cydonia do seem strange for natural formations. On the data currently available, it would be arrogant to dismiss the case for them being artificial. However, we do disagree when it comes to extrapolating messages from these features and trying to link them with ancient Egypt. Here, we find that the arguments put forward simply do not stand up. Essentially the argument is this - and it's not much: there are pyramids on Mars and there are pyramids in Egypt. But, of course, there are pyramids in many places on Earth, and the Martian pyramids are different in shape - the most prominent one, for example, is five-sided - and size from those in Egypt. Hoagland, Hancock and Bauval also argue that Giza and Mars do not only have pyramids in common - but both also have a Sphinx! This depends on whether you consider the Martian Face to be a Sphinx. Well, they both have faces...

Then they fall back on linguistics - or rather, as we have discovered, pseudo-linguistics. For example, Hoagland, Hancock and Bauval make much of one of the ancient Egyptian names of the Sphinx, Horakhti, which means 'Horus of the Horizon'. They claim that there are two ancient Egyptian words, one meaning 'Horus' and the other meaning 'face', that sound exactly alike: heru. So Horakhti, they say, can be translated as 'Face of the Horizon'. Could this be a description of the Face on Mars, which would be on the horizon when viewed from some of the other features? Well, no. For a start, the thing that none of these authors tell us is that heru is a plural form of the word for 'face', so it actually means 'faces'. Besides, the hieroglyphs for the two words are completely different. In any case, because hieroglyphs don't include vowels, which therefore have to be largely guessed at, how can anybody say that any two ancient Egyptian words sounded alike?

Another linguistic loophole involves the Arab name for Cairo - Al Qahira. This is also an Arab name for Mars. Not only is this fact used to link Giza and Cydonia, but Hancock and Bauval actually say that this is 'inexplicable'. But far from being inexplicable, the reason that Cairo was given this name is, in fact, very well known. Al Qahira literally means 'the Conqueror'. The city of Cairo did not exist before 969 AD, when it was founded by an Arab general who had just conquered that part of Egypt. True, Mars does come into it, but only because at the time the city was founded the planet was in a particularly auspicious position astrologically - especially for a city built in honour of a conqueror. There is no mystery about it - but Hoagland, Hancock and Bauval have made one.

There appears to be a genuine mystery about Mars. Perhaps there really are pyramids or other artificial structures there. However, attempts to link Cydonia with ancient Egypt simply don't work and have been contrived. But for what purpose?

Perhaps a clue lies in the fact that Richard Hoagland was working at SRI International when he first became interested in the Martian enigmas in 1982. He formed a research group to study them further, which was funded by SRI. The co-founder of this group was Dr Lambert Dolphin, who a few years earlier had led the SRI teams at Giza. In case you think that we are overly paranoid about SRI's intimate involvement with the Pentagon and CIA, it is as well to take on board the initial reaction of one social scientist who attended Hoagland's first lecture on the Face on Mars. What he said was: 'At first I thought it was some kind of joke, or maybe a complex social experiment being conducted by the CIA - to study psychological reactions to such a hypothetical discovery. I mean - SRI involvement, 'Faces' on Mars... what would you think?... Was this an elaborate psychological experiment sponsored by the defense community?'

In fact, Hoagland's work has always received active encouragement by members of the intelligence community, and most of the key members of his research groups have connections with either intelligence agencies or the Pentagon.

All of this is really, in a sense, just setting the scene for the 'stargate conspiracy', at the heart of which are revelations about a very interesting group of people.

Nearly fifty years ago, this American group believed that they had established contact with powerful extraterrestrial beings. Not physical contact, but psychic or telepathic communication. Over a period of many years these entities made many revelations about themselves - including that they had been the gods worshipped in ancient Egypt. (These beings called themselves 'The Council of Nine', as made more popular by the book 'The Only Planet Of Choice' - ed.)

Let's make this clear. We are not talking about a little New Age channelling group. From the very beginning - half a century ago - it reached the very top levels of American society, even involving a former Vice President. Since then its influence has grown, and it now has followers across the world, including in Britain. And it still whispers in the ear of the Presidency.

So what do these entities, or intelligences, claim?

They claim that they come from Sirius. They built the 'monuments' of Mars (although, significantly, these claims only appeared after the first NASA images of Cydonia.) They created the human race, and taught it the arts of civilisation, and have guided us from behind the scenes throughout history.

And they are now about to return to preside over a great 'cleansing'.

They claim to have been responsible for the destruction of Atlantis, after which survivors founded the Egyptian civilisation and built the Great Pyramid - around the year 10500 BC. They claim that the Sphinx was built in honour of them - and that there are hidden chambers that can be accessed from beneath it.

Some of those who claim to be in contact with these extraterrestrials also claim to have been in contact with Edgar Cayce's spirit guide, and that Cayce's pronouncements came from essentially the same source.

In its fifty-year history, the 'contact group' in touch with these entities have had some very interesting dealings. During the early 1970s, it was intimately involved with SRI International - interestingly, at the same time that SRI first became interested in Giza. In fact, one of the leaders of this group worked alongside Lambert Dolphin's team.

Key members of this group have been behind the promotion of the Face on Mars - and its connection with Egypt - from the very beginning. In fact, Richard Hoagland's so-called Message of Cydonia comes directly from these 'space-gods'.

Throughout its long history, many eminent names have been connected with this group - names from the fields of politics, high finance, entertainment, and even science.

Among those present at the 'first contact' with these alleged extraterrestrials in 1952 was the philosopher and inventor Arthur M. Young - who was later to become the mentor of Robert Temple, and who directly inspired him to write The Sirius Mystery.

Put like this it all sounds very exciting. Has contact with the gods of ancient Egypt been re-established? Are they, as they promise, about to return?

Of course, many would consider their claims to have been backed up by independent research: the connection between Sirius and ancient Egypt; the importance of the year 10500 BC; the connection between Egypt and Mars. But we have seen that all this 'evidence' is not only flawed but highly contrived.

It must be pointed out that these allegedly all-knowing entities not only make mistakes when dealing with ancient history, but sometimes come out with downright howlers. They even give the ancient Egyptian name for the Sphinx as arq ur - which, as we have seen, comes from a misreading of a particular dictionary.

But the whole story takes on a much darker hue. We have discovered that military and intelligence agencies, mainly the CIA, were involved with this group right from the beginning. In fact, the research institute where the entities first made their appearance was actually a front for Pentagon psychological warfare and parapsychological experiments.

The person who formed and led the 'contact group', and who first established contact with the entities, was - at the very same time - working for both the Pentagon and the CIA on various techniques of psychological manipulation. This included the use of hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis and electromagnetic influence. He was working specifically on ways to induce apparent mental contact with non-human entities - and, much more disturbingly, this was part of the CIA's MKULTRA mind control project.