Sunday, November 20, 2011

#Saif Transcript: The injury I have is from a month ago near Wadi Zamzam from the infidel crusader pack

"61: Full Transcript in English & Video of Saif Gaddafi's interview today -   "

 Saif al-Islam gives interview

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi suffered injuries during an attack by NATO forces one month ago, the son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi told a media group in the town of Zintan on Sunday (November 20).
Transcript “After we left Bani Walid, there was a raid by the crusader pack and 26 of our men were martyred and many others were injured. He was also asked about the bandages on the thumb and two fingers of his right hand. The injury I have is from a month ago near Wadi Zamzam from the infidel crusader pack and thankfully the Libyans didn’t attack us, it was the infidels who attacked us. It was agreed that I would be treated here in Zintan, because it was said there was a medical facility and there was anaesthetic for the operation that I needed,” Gaddafi said. Saif al-Islam is being held in a secret location in the remote Libyan mountain town, following his capture by fighters from Zintan on Saturday (November 19) Aides to Gaddafi had said his motorcade was caught by a NATO air strike as he tried to flee the pro-Gaddafi stronghold of Bani Walid, near Tripoli, on October 19, the day before his father was captured and killed in his home town of Sirte.