Friday, January 27, 2012

Pictures #beautiful The #sun has come down to #earth

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condis cipullusMirosław Tropiło, and Ludmila Skorohod +1'd your post. -  8:25 AM

Robby Ball

Robby Ball's profile photo
Robby Ball  -  8:22 AM  -  Public
Tarun Bhushan's profile photoTarun Bhushan originally shared this post:
The sun has come down to earth

Came across this beauty in Watson's Bay, Sydney, conveniently backlit.

For #FloralFriday curated by +Tamara Pruessner

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  -  Ludmila Skorohod, Mirosław Tropiło and 1 more
Mirosław Tropiło +1'd your post.  -  8:25 AM

Robby Ball

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Robby Ball  -  8:24 AM  -  Public
condis cipullus's profile photocondis cipullus originally shared this post:
初めて海外通販したんだが、海外からじゃなくてアメリカ国内からにして間違えてオーダーしてしまった。1週間くらい音沙汰がないのでそれも含めて問い合わせしたら、「ちょっと出かけてて(m´・ω・`)m ゴメン…すぐ送るから心配しないで!じゃっ!」みたいなメールがきた…


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  -  Mirosław Tropiło
Mirosław Tropiło +1'd your post.  -  8:25 AM

Robby Ball

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Robby Ball  -  8:24 AM  -  Public
Tavi Meyer's profile photoTavi Meyer originally shared this post:

Starlings. Christchurch n. Bournemouth 2011
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  -  Mirosław Tropiło
Mirosław Tropiło +1'd your post.  -  8:24 AM

Robby Ball

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Robby Ball  -  8:23 AM  -  Public
John Wade's profile photoJohn Wade originally shared this post:
As a thank-you to +Melanie Kintz and as a contribution to #FloralFriday curated by +Tamara Pruessner - a Japanese Lantern all the way from Trinidad.

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  -  Mirosław Tropiło

dani burinatoGeorges Pauly, and 龔秀芝 +1'd your post -  8:24 AM

Robby Ball

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Robby Ball  -  6:12 AM  -  Public
Abdurrahim Yakut's profile photoAbdurrahim Yakut originally shared this post:
Please do not ;-(

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Mirosław Tropiło and Scarlett Clark +1'd your post -  8:24 AM

Robby Ball

Robby Ball's profile photo
Robby Ball  -  8:22 AM  -  Public
Dane Clingan's profile photoDane Clingan originally shared this post:
Good morning, G+. Happy Friday again! I'm sharing this for #BuggyFridaycurated by +Ray Bilcliff and +Sherry McBriar as well as #FloralFriday by+Tamara Pruessner
#BreakfastClub, by +Stuart Williams
#BreakfastArtClub, organized by +Charles Lupica

It's cold and rainy here this morning, so I reached back for memories of summer.
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  -  Mirosław Tropiło and 1 more
Ludmila Skorohod +1'd your post.  -  8:22 AM

Robby Ball

Robby Ball's profile photo
Robby Ball  -  8:19 AM  -  Public
Just a couple of days ago Congress announced that the bills were pretty much over and done with, for all we know. However we saw something else that indicated there might be some inside jobs going on in the Government that they aren’t telling us about. Twitter is now censoring their tweets and blocking certain tweets to specific countries. Twitter, which opposed SOPA is now giving into some of the things we were afraid would happen if SOPA was passed. Twitter has been an important medium for the Occupy protests and many uprisings in Libya and Egypt. Twitter realizes this but now they are censoring their users.

Ever since the Stop Online Piracy Act was brought up in congress and started getting more and more opposition, things have gotten weirder and weirder. The internet just isn't the same as it used t...
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  -  Ludmila Skorohod