Thursday, February 9, 2012

#Syria #Turkey Wants International Conference on Syriam West still weighing military options

OS. MAIAS DE EÇA's profile photo
OS. MAIAS DE EÇA  -  12:47 PM  -  Public
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Walter L. Bradley Jr.

Walter L. Bradley Jr.'s profile photo
Walter L. Bradley Jr.  -  12:41 PM  -  Public
For anyone in two minds about what is really going on in Syria, and whether President Assad, hailed a decade ago as “A Modern Day Attaturk”, has become the latest megalomaniacal despot, to whose people a US-led posse of nations, must deliver “freedom”, with weapons of mass, home, people, nation and livelihood destruction, here is a salutary tale from modern history. Have the more recent sabre rattlings against Syria* been based on US-UK government papers, only discovered in 2003 - and since air brushed (or erroneously omitted) from even BBC timelines, on that country?
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From the web
Syria's regime today kept up its assault on the key opposition stronghold of Homs, where local groups say hundreds have been killed since shelling began Feb. 3. With Syria's violence escalating and diplomatic efforts deadlocked at the United Nations, international attention is turning toward a ...
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