Thursday, March 29, 2012

Al Jazeera -- UN peacekeeping troops in #Syria? Kofi Annan trying to end the yearlong conflict

Brian Gauspohl  -  6:08 PM  -  Public
Al Jazeera -- UN peacekeeping troops in Syria?

Kofi Annan, the international envoy trying to end the yearlong conflict in Syria, is looking at the possibility of borrowing UN peacekeeping #troopsto monitor a cease-fire in the country.
Kofi Annan, the international envoy trying to end the yearlong conflict in Syria, is looking at the possibility of borrowing UN peacekeeping troops to monitor a cease-fire. Annan's spokesman Ahmad...
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Robby Ball

Robby Ball  -  6:01 PM  -    -  Public
I know it's more graphic than any one could imagen, but the US decided to "free" Iraq about a decade ago not for oil of course. and many of the Arab countries decided to "help free&...
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