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Opinion | 26 March 2012 | 01:44
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23 of 26 Kompasianer assess the actual
Opinions Albert Einstein , it seems to be in accordance with the opinion Nazwar Syamsu , as written in the book Serialnya " Faith and Logic ", he assured before the time of the disaster Noah (estimated at 13,000 years ago , please read, the Statue of Sphinx, Noah Disaster Proof archeologist 13,000 years ago ), Children of Adam,has reached the depth of knowledge is very high, and has identified aviation technology between the planets.
If we return to time 20,000 years ago , obtained information of that time, there are 2 (two) of civilization , that dynasty Rama (Remaining Land India) and the United Lumeria (Chance is in the eastern archipelago) . From the second of this civilization, told Lumeria Nations migrated out of the earth, to avoid war .
In fact, some of them, some were returned to Earth, the developing civilization of Atlantis (Chance was in plain Sundaland ). But this civilization did not last long, at around 11,600 years ago (according to Plato notes) , this civilization destroyed sea wave destroyed in one night (Source: Theory and History of the sinking of Iwak Belido Sundaland ).
MIND without Revelation, will bear fruit, FAITH without KNOWLEDGE
Einstein's theories, Alien Technology and Civilisation Lumeria
Opinion | 26 March 2012 | 01:44
In an interview, Albert Einstein, expressing his confidence will be existence of "flying plates" or UFO. And they estimate that aircraft, diawaki by men, who came from another planet (Alien). said, they are the descendants of these people , who previously had lived on earth 20,000 years ago (source: "creatures that came down from heaven", essay Anis Mansour and "Timeless Earth", Peter Kolosimo essay).
Opinions Albert Einstein , it seems to be in accordance with the opinion Nazwar Syamsu , as written in the book Serialnya " Faith and Logic ", he assured before the time of the disaster Noah (estimated at 13,000 years ago , please read, the Statue of Sphinx, Noah Disaster Proof archeologist 13,000 years ago ), Children of Adam,has reached the depth of knowledge is very high, and has identified aviation technology between the planets.
Technological advances achieved these people, it is appropriate for children of Adam civilization on Earth, may have reached jutaaan year. As one example, Penyebrangan Bridge (Rama Bridge) is fabricated monkey team to Sri Rama , crossed into Alengka , when tested with the isotope is 1.7 million years old (Source: Find a Sky Residents (Facebook group ).
Based on Albert Einstein and Nazwar Syamsu above, it is possible at around 20,000 years ago, Mankind has been trying to explore life beyond Planet Earth, Planet , and has committed large-scale migration (Migration Akbar) , and are building a community that known by members Ufologi , as Ras Lyran (This notion, quite different from the opinion which states that Ras Lyran, has left the earth in hundreds of years ago ).
If we return to time 20,000 years ago , obtained information of that time, there are 2 (two) of civilization , that dynasty Rama (Remaining Land India) and the United Lumeria (Chance is in the eastern archipelago) . From the second of this civilization, told Lumeria Nations migrated out of the earth, to avoid war .
Strong expectations Lumerian Nations this was, that the embryo Ras Lyran (This notion, apparently left behind with idea that the nation comes from the sons of Ras Lumerian Lyran ). Evidence that the Human Race on Earth, the older of the Ras Lyran , can be seen from the wide-ragamnya ethnicity, skin color and culture that there is on Earth , rather than Ras Lyran , according to The Ufolog i, have offenses sided cultural and physical features , one with others.
Occurs when the Earth 's Global Disaster Noah , which resulted in people returning to the primitive civilization . Nations Lumerian , which is about 2300 light years from Earth ( C onstellation of L yra ) , does not feel its impact. This nation, still has a very high technology.