Saturday, March 10, 2012

Atlantis went under 9350 B.C, Atlantes inhabited northwestern Africa at his time

The esteemed greek historian and philospher Plato wrote circa 350 B.C. that Atlantis went under over 9,000 years before his time, but yet Herodotus, just two generations before Plato, had written that the Atlantes inhabited northwestern Africa at his time, so are we to believe that the people of Atlantis remained a noted tribe of history for 9,000 years after their maritme port empire had succumbed to the sea, or is it more plausible, considering the hundreds of submerged bronze age ruins on continental shelves worldwide, that Atlantis actually went under much later than the egyptian priests of Sais had told the greek traveler Solon?

Plato was told and wrote that the Strait of Hercules (Gibraltar) was impassable to ship traffic because the submergence of Atlantis had ostensibly blocked that shipping passage between the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas, but Herodotus had previously written that the Celts lived beyond the Pillars of Hercules, with shiptrade of southern Spain (Tartessos) at that time for copper, gold, and silver, of which Plato, two generations later, must surely have been aware, so he obviously had self applied blinders on when he recorded the story of Atlantis from his friends Critias and Timaeus, with much of that story contradicting what he surely must have already known about ancient greek history, such as that described by his famous predecesor, the ”father of history,” Herodotus.

How could the extensive Atlantean Empire described by Plato in the narrative have submerged into the impossibly too narrow Strait of Gibraltar?  Should that have not been obvious to Plato, the supposedly honest broker of ancient history?  And since he plainly described bronze age civilizations in his Atlantis narrative, should that not indicate to mainstream scientists today that the sea level rise which consumed Atlantis, stone ruins of which have been discovered on the continental shelf, right where they should be, in the Gibraltar region (see category Atlantis Revealed), inundated other vast tracts of land when the Ice Age ended much later than popularly advertised?

Ancient greek legend (of which Herodotus and Plato were both surely aware) tells of the Flood of Deucalion and Pyrrha, the greek version of Noah’s Flood, which covered the entire earth (the mountains rose at the close of the flood), so they knew the Atlantis story took place after that, but what then did they call the flood of Atlantis which Plato said occurred circa 9600 B.C.?  That flood ‘though was certainly well known to the ancient greeks as the Flood of Ogyges who lived but in the 1500 B.C. timeframe when the Ice Age actually ended, making sense of the bronze age technologies of the Atlanteans and Athenians clearly indicated.

They were great mappers of the world back then (see Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings by Hapgood), led by Atlas, the legendary namesake of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, and of the Atlantic ocean, and of the empire of Atlantis, who measured the earth, therefore holding it up figuratively, by the rate of the slow wobble of its axis, the rate of precession, the same method utilized to survey the dimensions for the myterious Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is the embodiment of the ancient mapping method explained in article #2 at  And see too