(Please bear in mind that "Ra Ta" was a previous incarnation of Cayce.)
- - records that are apparent in the inner self
- - (Ra Ta) was the son of a daughter of Zu - that was not begotten of man.
- - (Man) had come into being through that crystallization of thought that had been given by those Sons of the Most High.
- - (Self) or of there being those divisions in the body that were represented by those divisions of the intermission, or the body of intermission of an entity, from an experience to an experience.
- - (Ra Ta - 10,500 BC) This being at that period - of the change of the race to become - and is now - the white.
- - Hence the opening by Araaraart of mines in Ophir, in what was later known as Kadesh, or in the land now called Persia.
- - Also in the land now known as Abyssinia, and those portions yet undiscovered or used in the upper lands of the river Nile.
- - Pearls from Madagascar
- - (Stones mined: onyx, beryl, sardis, diamond, amethyst, and opal.)
- - Gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc, copper, and tin were mined in quantity in northern Egypt - Also in the valleys of the upper Nile.
- - (Ra Ta gathered certain followers because of a psychic directive.)
- - (Temples helped with division)
- - (Altars - not for sacrifice) upon which individuals put their faults and blotted them out with the fires of those forces that were set in motion by Ra Ta. - After they decided their tasks, Ra Ta would bless them with ability.
- - (Other great nations of that age: Sicily, Norway, Peru, and the American high civilization.)
- - (The Temples of Beauty and Sacrifice) that glorified the activities of individuals, groups or masses, who had cleansed themselves for service.
- - (Rebels brewed drinks) that set the mind, set the whole fires of physical body against that as had been cleansed by the fires.
- - (All births were in a hall, and each conception took place in a certain chamber.)
- - (Temple treatments) They gradually lost, then, many feathers from their legs.
- - (Our body form) the divine inheritance, as was brought about by this poor ill - forgotten Ra Ta in this experience.
- - Animal desires were sacrificed - All for a closer walk with Thee.
- - (Ra Ta's companion Isis, may have been his daughter)
- - Thoughts of the unconscious "had not clarified or crystallized". (See Secret of the Golden Flower)
- - Ideal of peace
- - (Groups of stars) and the various influences that are held in place, or that hold in place those about this particular solar system.
- - Hence in the Nubian land there were first begun the reckoning of those periods when the Sun has its influence upon human life, and let's remember that it is in this period when the present race has been called into being - by the forces as set upon all - in their various phases and effects.
- - or of the combining of elements in the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom, in various periods. (Moon phases and seasons)
- - that pertain to those lusts of the body, which had brought about or produced that which separated that which would build from themselves.
- - (Ra Ta's intense seeking prematurely aged him.)
- - Then did this priest of himself, and of the Creative Forces, edict that those who were in close association with this entity - that had meant an extenuation or savior of a peoples, into a regeneration of same - would have marks set in their bodies that would remain throughout their appearance in the earth's plane, that they might be known to one another, would they seek to know the closer relation- ships of the self to the Creative Forces and the source - physical - of their activity with that source.
- - To some in the eye, to some in the body, to some the marks upon the body, in those ways and manners that may only be known to those that are in that physical and spiritual attunement with the entity as they pass through the material or earth's sphere together.
- - Ra Ta, who now was known as Ra; for with the entering in of Hermes with Ra - who came as one of the peoples from the mount to which these peoples had been banished.
- - (Ra Ta had his offices) in the place around Luz.
- - (Our female half) that to which its (the man's) ideals are to be given to the active forces in the material activities.
- - endowing of this body Iso, or Isis, to the position of the first goddess that was so crowned.
- - gained access through that of Isis to the Throne
- - (Orientation of Great Pyramid) as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this particular solar system circles in its activity, going towards what?
- - (Cayce says not Polaris here, but Libra? Lyra?)
- - (There have been 3,000 pharoahs.)
- - (Animals howl on moon phases, and also on the change of seasons.)
- - (Their linen of quality was of cottons, hemp, and papyrus flowers and lotus flowers.)
- - (Temple Beautiful) was to act as an interpreter for that which had been, that which is, and that which is to be, in the material plane.
- - Ra, ascended into the mount and was borne away
- - (Isis or Iso or 288) (Isris is 538?)
- - (Iso offered a channel) in being an entity and an ideal in the manifested material form.
- - Make the mental and spiritual One!
- - (Ra Ta's son married his half sister.)
- - (In Egypt are plastic forms of Isis of 10,996 BC.)
- - the house of the Sun, or in the Sun Temple
- - (The king) Listened, however, to the Councillor who sought this banishment.
- - (Monuments to Ra are under the sand, and under the sea.)
- - (After Ra Ta, Egypt was unchanged until the invaders from the eastern hills came in.)
- - (Another interesting word "forbearance".)
- - and the forces of the force, as given, propelling in water.
- - the beginning of the sacred fires - animal skin bayous, or balloons
- - the rule of the development along geometrical lines (Mind forces)
- - (Hept-Supht - 378 - the Atlantean builder, and keeper of records.)
- - the patriarchs of old; of Alta, of Quoauda
- - (Egypt) this land of the Semitic peoples
- - (Openers of the Records) One of the two. Two, with a guide. Hept-Supht, El-Ka, and Atlan. These will appear.
- - (Before the red Atlanteans came the native Egyptians were of the yellow race.)
- - For only good, or purposefulness, lives on.
- - that all must be consistent with that which they preach
- - from having mentally experienced a condition - (a soul was given a "faculty" or "power".)
- - (The ancient Egyptians used electricity.)
- - (They used static electricity) These were turned to minerals - the fusion of copper and brass with the alloy that comes from gold impregnated with arsenic.
- - (The electrical knife gave bloodless surgery.)
- - To know good and not to do it is sin.
- - activity of dedicating body, mind, soul, and purpose to an ideal
- - giving way to appetites that would deaden purposes and ideals
- - (Irrefutable Laws) There cannot be a congeniality where the ideal and purpose of sex-life is not of one and the same purpose. There Cannot be a congenial home builded where the desires of the spiritual are not at least in unison in the worship of the same Spiritual ideal.
- - a mark, either in body as expressed physically or in the name - All of these are the modern names, you see.
- - (All of Arabia came to Egypt.)
- - the Temple Beautiful that made for the setting in order in the plaques (symbols?) that as would demonstrate or illustrate to the entity or individual that necessary for the purifying or keeping before them.
- - (Exiles returned in) chariots driven by the gases.
- - (Between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid was a holy city.)
- For the entity's tomb then was a part of the Hall of Records, which has not yet been uncovered. It lies between - or along that entrance from the Sphinx to the temple - or the pyramid; in a pyramid, of course, of its own.
- (2329-3) Female 42 5/1/1941 For, remember there are thirty-two of these plates!
38. (Q) Is it indicated as to when, approximately, these tablets may be discovered, or uncovered?
(A) By fifty-eight ('58). these may be obtained MENTALLY - - A wise contemporary of Ra Ta, was Saneid of India.
- - one seeking turning their face, their hearts, their affections - or preferring Him rather than the pleasures of the flesh for a season.
- - (The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Initiation of the White Brotherhood.)
- - (Great Pyramid) the rock on which John viewed the New Jerusalem. - (We entered, in time, the King's Chamber between 1938 and 1958, as regards religious history as represented in the pyramid.)
- - (Ra Ta) passed through those of the hell in the misinterpretation of same.
- - (Cayce implies the 5th Root Race has not begun?)
- - (Sun) for the use of its rays were used for supplying from the elements that which is required in the present to be grown through a season; or the abilities to use both those of introgression and retrogression. (Most are retrograded?)
- - (Various sphinxes) various developments of that which becomes man - as in the present. (Lion -Bull- Horse - and Birds)
- - City of Said and On and Og
- - (Men "with portions of trees, scales")
- - the Priest had also regenerated self, as to turn back time - as it were - in his own body.
- - Self-indulgence, and jealousy "sap the spiritual purpose". - Do not regret
- - (Ra Ta was not the Christ.)
- - but as free men, - sought that knowledge in self, by its experience of unfoldment and the aiding in the forming of plans, as they unfolded. A very complex and at times a very competitive form of activity in the present.
- - that force an opportunity to open thine heart
- - All knowledge, then, now, or in the future, is latent within self - would man but begin to understand.
- - thine own angel of thy self, what thou hast been, stands ever as the evidence of thy consciousness, thy awareness, thy presence in the throne of the Father.
- - By attuning, turning thy thought, thy purpose, thy desire to be at an at-onement with Him.
- - By the manner in which I, myself, treat my fellow man day by day.
- - music for those as they swayed in body-movement - as in the chants that aided in the individual raising the thoughts in the praise of that power which impelled through thinking (as would be termed today), or the attuning of the spiritual selves to the attunement of the universal forces.
- - (Ra Ta like Cayce had an unwed secretary.)
- - (The attunement incantation, again, "ieoueio umh".)
- - through associations of eating - give to a soul the harmonies necessary for the better attunement and unfoldment of the sources of force or power from within.
- - These as they make for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it arises along that which is set within the inner man as that Cord of Life that once severed may separate balance of body, mind and soul.
- - the morning stars in their circuit about the earth may sing with the glorious coming of the light into the experience of man to raise same to his at-one-ness and his attunement with those beauties of the coming of the sons of men into the earth.
- - the intoning in of self within; that there might come, as it were, the sound as of many waters.
- - these find their attunement in each chord as it rings one with another and all the music that may be heard from every sound that follows in eeiu-u-u-ummmm in its forms, through that attunement along the pineal to the source of light within the self to make for the emotions of glorifying alone.
- - which feeding upon itself, as flesh upon flesh, bringeth corruption in the very souls of men.
- - (These creatures have their "old features burned-off": the ox, roe, goat, and the hog.)
- - the viola tuned to the vibrations of the fires of nature
- - Music as of the spheres brought that purifying through attuning the vibrations with the destructive forces as manifested themselves in nature.
- - Then does it awake, as has been given, that in nature, that in the natural tendencies that will bring for thine own experience that which brings healing in thine body, that brings to thine mind the awakening and to thy soul peace!
- - (The rising of the mountains in the south of Egypt caused the Nile to change direction from west to north.)
- - Man gained by working for "common interests."
- - the understanding within the spiritual-mindedness of the entity for cleansing - or preparation of self.
- - get rather the vision of its own abilities in the earth.
- - those truths which made for the physical awakening
- - (Could it be that the Temple Beautiful and the Temple of Sacrifice were located near the pyramids for a source of sacred fire.)
- - that as written over the door of the Temple Beautiful: "Parcoi So Suno Cum". Lord, Lead Thou The Way. I commit my Body, my mind, To be one with Thee.
- - (At the Altar cleansed of symbols) that were emblematical of the source of the stumbling block.
- - (Temple Beautiful) was in the form of the pyramid, within which was the globe. Teaching "the symbolic understanding."
- - For these, to be sure, were all symbolized - the faults, the virtues of man, in all his seven stages of development.
- - that ye sing - Ar-r-r-Ou-u-Urr; which makes for the losing of even the association of the body with that save the vibrations of which the body was then composed; yea now is hardened.
- - which made for the vibrating of same with light, that becomes color, that becomes tone.
- - Seek then in tone - all of you: Ar-r-r-r-r-Ar. The guru says Har-rrrr-aum - how color emanates!
- - the giving by the Prophetess of the Seal of Life.
- - being in the world yet not of the world
- - in purifying of the body, in washing in blood, in water, that ye may be purified before thyself first and then before others.
- - The anointing with the incense, making for the raising of that ye know as thine senses or perception or consciousness of the activities to all the faults, by comparision. (Among others)
- - those tempted from within and those tempted from without
- - (The Temple Beautiful was preserved under) the Seven Seals of the Law.
- - Though others make slight of thy manner of speech, of thy body, of thy walks, of thy ways, hold fast to Him; grudging no one.
- - those cleansings of the feet
- - (They studied the Seven Symbols.)
- - (Seals) the effects from the planetary sojourn
- - (Withstand temptation to approach God.)
- - Symbols of the seven stages of man's development: world as the beetle - birth as the cockerl - mind as the serpent - wisdom as the hawk - The varied activities in the cross, the crown, the gate, the door, the way.
- - in all of those urges as arise through emotion, through mind
- - We must arise to our Destiny.
- - Dance to become more erect!
- - the destruction of Lemuria, Atlantis, and in later periods - the flood.
- - (It is hard) to conceive of the activities that exist only three miles above the earth.
- - realms of Relativity of Force, Relativity of Attraction in the Universe.
- - (The slaves of the Atlanteans, the "things" were "merely automatons".)
- - (Today we have more interference from) carnal forces as manifested in material associations.
- - Purification - which took some six and a half years, as time would be measured in the present.
- - (Symbols of the psyche) dependent, to be sure, upon how much of the will is exercised in regards to same, - toward activities for greater expansions.
- - the idea, or ideal, of seeking light
- - the "sacrificing self" was misinterpreted later as human sacrifice, instead of ego.
- - (For group power) be one in purpose, in desire
- - (After purification, anoint with oil.)
- - Then as in the fires of nature, or in the blood of the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world.
- -254-109 The movement was NOT an Egyptian one, though ADOPTED by those in another period - or an earlier period - and made a part of the whole movement.
- 2462-2 57. (Q) Are there urges for music and art?
- (A) Just as indicated in the building of the pyramids, the house of records as well as the chamber in which the records are built in stone, - these were put together by song. This the entity learned, - as he did the chants upon the river.
- 470-22 [470], in those activities where there was the transmuting of the bodily energies through electrical forces.
- (A) Closely associated in those periods when the entity, Ajax, came into the Egyptian land. Those activities made for closer associations, for then Ajax - or [487] - and the entity now called [470] made the application or use of the abilities in engineering, and the building of machines for the application of these to the bodies of individuals - where there were appurtenances to be left off, where there was blood to be changed, or where the vibratory forces were to be set so as to remove those influences of possessions; and where there were those activities in which with the combination of sodas the bodily forces were enabled to reproduce in a manner as cross to that to which it had been set in its natural forces.