Friday, March 30, 2012

#Iran helps #Syria ship oil to #China, probably explains why China has been resisting

Greg Yingling  -  10:21 AM  -  Public
This probably explains why China has been resisting efforts with Syria...
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran is helping its ally Syria defy Western sanctions by providing a vessel to ship Syrian oil to a state-run company in China, potentially giving the government of President Bashar...
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Norbert Rabai

Norbert Rabai  -  10:18 AM  -    -  Public
Sorry but..errr... lol.. defying gravity and US EU UN.. fuck u China
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran is helping its ally Syria defy Western sanctions by providing a vessel to ship Syrian oil to a state-run company in China, potentially giving the government of President Bashar...
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