Thursday, March 22, 2012

#Iran Nuclear watchdog chief accused of pro-western bias over Iran | The Raw Story

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Jim Feig  -  9:23 PM  -    -  Public
Former senior officials warn of parallels between IAEA approach to Iran and mistakes over Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), th...
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1 share  -  JULI TAIWAN

David Sunfellow

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David Sunfellow  -  8:39 PM  -  Public
NHNE's profile photoNHNE originally shared this post: – please donate and help us spread the message ----- To the Iranian people To all the fathers, mothers, children...
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1 share  -  Javier Verbach
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Javier Verbach  -  PEACE!!!
9:48 PM   
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By Huma Imtiaz Pakistan, India and China and nine other countries that import crude oil from Iran may be hit with US sanctions. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier announced a list of 11 countries that had been exempted from sanctions, as they had “significantly reduced” their ...
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