Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#Syria Assad Accepts Cease-Fire; Opponents Are Skeptical

Alex Grossman  -  2:02 PM  -    -  Public
The acceptance by President Bashar al-Assad of Syria of a United Nations envoy’s cease-fire proposal belied a new outbreak of bloodletting on the Syria-Lebanon border.
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Max Rubenacker  -  I'll believe it when I see it.
2:04 PM   
zeljko trkanjec  -  skeptcal, he is doing this just to buy some time. this is the same pattern Slobodan Milošević was using during the war in former Yugoslavia - accept every proposal from peace negotiators and then start new attack on the ground. and Bashar's good friend Ahmadinejad just said yesterday that he is proud with the Syirian's regime actions. so, forget the peace plans.
2:19 PM   
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Daniel Wong

Daniel Wong  -  1:46 PM  -    -  Public
Check out this interview with a former student at 3G Infocom Training – Mohamad, a student from Syria, is now working as a devices principal in a university in Saudi Arabia. He is one of many successful students who took classes...
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