Gabriel Tabarani - 12:23 PM - Public
Syria: Descending Into Civil War
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To read more on this story please click on the following newswire
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From #Bosnia to #Syria: Is #History Repeating Itself?
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Adam Davis
Adam Davis - 12:19 PM - - Public
The UN says more than 9,000 people have been killed since the uprising against President Assad began a year ago.
This beckons the question. How much oil or resources do we the U.S get from Syria? if the answer is not much then their is your reason why we don't seem to care about the free for all murder that is taking place in that country..
This beckons the question. How much oil or resources do we the U.S get from Syria? if the answer is not much then their is your reason why we don't seem to care about the free for all murder that is taking place in that country..
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