Sunday, March 25, 2012

#Syria: Obama with the people of Homs who have cleansed 90% of Christians from this city | Modern Tokyo Times

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SyriaNews  -  Yesterday 6:09 PM  -  Public
President Obama condemned the Syrian government for trying to protect Alawites, Christians, the role of women in society, and all Syrians who oppose Sunni Islamic radicalism. President Obama commented...
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3 comments  -  William Matar and SyriaNews
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SyriaNews  -  Dear +William Matar , indeed.. The title of this article from Modern Tokyo Times might be harsh, but it`s really not to understand why B. Obama said this and act (acted) like this - because he really should already have known the truth what is happening there. I doubt, the president of the United States has no idea. It like HRW and the Vaticon, both were already informed about the violence of the "Opposition Forces" months ago (just like BBC, CNN, Sky and other media), but they all did not listen. I still remember a British tourist in Latakia who has called BBC while being there after BBC reported that Syrian ships bombarding the city from the sea (which was indeed wrong). The BBC worker said to her how much Assad would pay her for this lie. So he believed (willfully) the reports of the dubious (and its really dubious..) Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in London than a British woman in Latakia. Strange World. I would never say that the Syrian government is without any mistakes and that it has made no failures, of course they did and of course it might not be the best democratic government on this planet, but considering that Bashar al Assad has never attacked another country and that Syria was secular until the first months of this "uprising" and that people never had fears till this "revolution", its sure better than a Islamistic state, based on Sharia and strange laws, in which the same or even more bad things (by the leaders) would happen. Considering the developments in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.. thats someting the majority of Syrian doesnt want. Have a good day and thank you very much for your "+1" often and your interest!
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2:49 AM       
William Matar's profile photo
William Matar  -  +SyriaNews thanks so much for what you wrote. I agree and I made a + all what western world wants is to brake Syria and put in civil war.. and later put it in front of Iran... and that to relax Israel....but maybe things will not turn like that.. so now for them better is civil war and killing and later they come and put syria in huge debt... what an hypocrisy
4:03 AM   
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