Saturday, March 31, 2012

#Syria says revolt over, but army still shooting

Thalia Sanders  -  2:08 PM  -    -  Public
Syria says the year-long revolt to topple President Bashar al-Assad is now over, but it will keep its forces in cities to "maintain security" until it is safe to withdraw in keeping with a U.N.-backed...
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Robby Ball

Robby Ball  -  1:46 PM  -    -  Public
“Syria is the hub of this tinderbox in a region which is extremely unstable,” Landis told FRONTLINE at the time. “And should it fall and there be civil war, it could ignite flames of revolution and un...
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Raymond Linn Riley

Raymond Linn Riley  -  1:44 PM  -    -  Public
So, when I was a baby, the US military kidnapped me from Homs, Syria after they murdered my family. – Dr Hook Cover Of The Rolling Stones
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