Saturday, April 14, 2012

#Angel now this is an Angel's angel, true perfection

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Lynda Bowyer 8:35 AM  -  Public
Calling all digital creative types...

I am in the process of overhauling my branding and merchandising, so want to rework my company logo to have various versions for different streams of public/corporate facing work ie. colour web logo, watermarking (so translucent images needed too), mono/grey version, plus colour version for letterhead and so on.

Any pluskins out there do this sort of work? If so, please mail me with details.


ljb x
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Mary Zeman 8:35 AM  -  Public
well lookee here- a classmate posted the 6th grade class picture on the f-book! I am in the second row of individual pictures, second from the right hand side. (or the first listed Mary Kathleen). This really takes me back.......
This was my first year in full gifted and talented instruction- the first time I was in a class with kids who were smart and loved school- the first challenges- and the first time a boy had a crush on me!!! (top row, 4th in, in individual photos) What a year!