Friday, April 13, 2012

#Egypt sending out missionaries: "COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO (ANS) -- Just as persecution in the early church at Jerusalem caused a scattering of missionaries throughout the Roman world,...

Erik Growen7:05 AM  -  Public
1942-RCAF's 417 Fighter Squadron heads for Egypt to join the famed Desert Air Force on operations from the Nile valley in Egypt, to the plains of northern Italy. Its Spitfires gave air protection to the port of Alexandria, participated in the closing stages of the Tunisian campaign, covered the Allied invasions of Sicily & Calabria, & guarded the beach-head at Anzio. Then they became fighter-bombers & supported the Eighth Army as it slogged its way up the peninsula to the foothills of the Alps.
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From the web
It follows years of acrimony between the Egyptian group and Algeria, which has hit the local subsidiary with millions of dollars in back-tax bills, put it under investigation over its currency deals and declared it would nationalise the firm. "OTH asserts that since 2008 its rights under the ...
Eric Lampe6:02 AM  -    -  Public
Church in Egypt sending out missionaries »
Church in Egypt sending out missionaries: "COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO (ANS) -- Just as persecution in the early church at Jerusalem caused a scattering of missionaries throughout the Roman world,...
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