Monday, April 2, 2012

#Russia, Iran set to counter US/Israeli strike against Iran issued a strong warning against a military attack on Iran Monday

Richard Perry  -  8:40 PM  -    -  Public
Russia, Iran set to counter US/Israeli strike against Iran
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued a strong warning against a military attack on Iran Monday, April 2,, saying that a pre-emptive strike would violate international law. His comments, made ...
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Writeme Belo

Writeme Belo  -  8:22 PM  -  Public
Israel threat for military action against the Iran's nuclear programme as nonsense decision. the strike on Iran could brign negative effect to the world trade , keep the diplomacy policy go on and every case subjected on the table peacely to avoide the tears and huge damage in middle east
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Writeme Belo  -  Hope Iran transparacy in its nuclear development and for the sivil interest
8:25 PM   
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