Alexandra von Bryce - 7:39 AM - Public
The Secret Life of Plankton
A short video filled with the most amazingly beautiful and fascinating microscopic images - even the tiniest world has winners (who eat) and losers (who get eaten).
From the video description: New videography techniques have opened up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing it to be both mesmerizingly beautiful and astoundingly complex. Explore this hidden world that underpins our own food chain -- in the first-ever TEDTalk given by a fish ...
h/t to +Google Science Fair
A short video filled with the most amazingly beautiful and fascinating microscopic images - even the tiniest world has winners (who eat) and losers (who get eaten).
From the video description: New videography techniques have opened up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing it to be both mesmerizingly beautiful and astoundingly complex. Explore this hidden world that underpins our own food chain -- in the first-ever TEDTalk given by a fish ...
h/t to +Google Science Fair
#scienceEveryday – New videography techniques have opened up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing it to be both mesmerizingly beautiful and astoundingly ...
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