Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sobering analysis by the International Crisis Group on #syria and how to proceed.

Erik Jonker  -  9:51 AM  -  Public
Sobering analysis by the International Crisis Group on #syria and how to proceed.
With the Syrian crisis having taken a perilous turn, predictable obstacles in implementing UN envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan should not lead to give up on what – for now at least – remains the only ser...
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Robby Ball  -  9:50 AM  -    -  Public
MSNBC's Martin Bashir and Brookings Institution's Michael O'Hanlon discuss the foreign policy minefield facing President Obama: Syria fighting with Turkey, Iran's nuclear negotiations,...
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Robby Ball  -  9:49 AM  -    -  Public
The comparison with this year's massacres in Syria was painfully apt. Now, as then, the United Nations Security Council has asked both sides to stop shooting, to no great effect. Now, as then, the...
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From the web
BEIRUT – Syria's main opposition group says 1000 people have been killed by government forces in the last eight days. A spokeswoman for the Syrian National Council says troops loyal to President Bashar Assad have intensified their onslaught in opposition areas despite saying it would accept a UN ...
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