Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#Syria Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has insisted that #Turkey refuse to enter into dialogue with the Syrian regime

john sawyer11:54 AM  -  Public
Syrian Revolution originally shared this post:
‘Dialogue with Syria of no use given its non-commitment to peace’ »
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has insisted that Turkey refuse to enter into dialogue with the Syrian regime for as long as it fails to keep its promises to fully implement a cease-fire.
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john sawyer11:54 AM  -  Public
Syrian Revolution originally shared this post:
Bashar al-Assad may be beating Annan plan in Syria for now, but he won't for long - »
Putting UN monitors on the ground in Syria as part of Kofi Annan’s wider peace plan is a constructive step forward. But for now, Bashar al-Assad continues to set most of the terms. With more creative ...