Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#Syria Wives of U.N. diplomats tell Syria's first lady to 'stop being a bystander'

Robby Ball8:41 PM  -    -  Public
#Apr18: #Syria #Homs, Bab Dreb - destruction made by the #SNC Forces »
#Syria #Homs, Bab Dreb - destruction made by the #SNC Forces. NAS-E│Homs, Bab Dreb - destruction made by the terrorists.. News About Syria - English We Are Syr...
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john sawyer8:25 PM  -  Public
Ammar Abdulhamid originally shared this post:
Wives of U.N. diplomats tell Syria's first lady to 'stop being a bystander' - »
The wives of the British and German ambassadors to the United Nations have taken on Syria's first lady in an online video.
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