Monday, May 21, 2012

#Obama slams #Romney, you don’t know ‘what this job is about’

David Phillips

7:05 PM  -  
+1'd on
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Video: Obama slams Romney, you don’t know ‘what this job is about’ »
Just a few minutes ago, President Barack Obama held a press conference in Chicago to inform the Nation how things are going with the NATO summit. The President

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Vinh Pham

7:05 PM  -  Public
Equating the Bain ads with the Jeremiah Wright ads? One is about Romney's economic record and the other about some old pastor. This Cory Brooker star is kinda dim.
Cory Booker's criticisms complicate Obama team's anti-Bain message - Political Hotsheet - CBS News »
Obama surrogate criticizes campaign for anti-Bain campaign ads, one day before new attack Read more by Stephanie Condon on CBS News' Political Hotsheet.
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