Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Special envoy Kofi Annan told the UN: If observers fail, #Syria could plunge into civil war

Special envoy Kofi Annan told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that international observers are the last hope for success of a peace plan in Syria. Otherwise, he warned, Syria is sure to plunge into full-scale civil war. "The implication of that is quite frightening," Annan told reporters ...

Rim El-Chami

7:05 PM  -  Public
Jad Hammoud originally shared this post:
.. They hate you. The Syrian people hate you. The Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans and many other Arabs hate you, because you support a tyrant who is killing his own people. The only ones who still like you are your insignificant Lebanese allies and #Iran , who might easily sell you out if needed, and you know it.. The only thing you will have left is your weapons. The question is : Are you going to use them to buy your ticket back into #Lebanon 's political scene and help stabilize the country, or will you use them against everyone and cause both Lebanon’s and your own demise ? #Syria
Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Hassan Nasrallah, you are not divine »
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,. To tell you the truth, this is not really addressed to you. I know you don't intend to listen, and you will not take anything I say into consideration. It is rather addre...
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Brian Gauspohl

5:49 PM  -  Public
Kofi Annan told the UN Security Council today that his plan is possibly the last chance to avoid civil war in #Syria

U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has said it is already giving the Syrian opposition logistical and communications help, but it has shied away from providing arms.

But there is growing concern from countries around Syria which are seeing a growing influx of refugees.

Syria fighting persists with fewer heavy arms, last chance to avoid civil war: Kofi Annan »
League mediator Kofi Annan told the Security Council on Tuesday that peace in Syria remains elusive nearly a month after a nationwide truce was announced, while Washington declared it was stepping up ...